[10] -Even In Death He Owns Me-

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Warning for Nightmares

Mephone solemnly watched the bittersweet memories flash in his brain. He missed that time, he really did, but he knew he was never going to experience that simple childlike joy he once had. He was in the middle of remembering another moment from his "childhood" when the vision crumbled. The memory just vanished from his mind, like rain to chalk the image blurred together until it was completely indistinguishable.

His mind wasn't blank for long, however, as a new memory rose in his mind. It was choppy and broken, more so than all the others. He was screaming at someone, who was that? He couldn't see. The vision shifted, he had thrown the person against a glass window, he wouldn't stop yelling, why was he so angry? Suddenly he pushed the person out of the window, he watched them fall to their death, a permanent death.

He could see them now...it was Cobs. He had killed his creator. The memory broke apart as quickly as it came, Mephone grasped for any explanation. Why didn't he remember that before? He remembered breaking out of the basement and getting mad at Cobs but...this? This couldn't be real...it just couldn't be. But he knew it was, there was no other explanation. His brain buzzed with the energy of a wasp's nest. He couldn't believe it, he just couldn't believe it.

Whatever stability his subconscious had shattered like the glass of that window. The shards morphed and reconnected into the image of a familiar office. He could see Cobs's horrified face as he fell to his death. He tried to grab him, pull him back, anything to keep him from falling but his legs wouldn't move. Mephone felt sick.

He could feel the invisible blood on his hands. The weight of his actions hit him like a wall of bricks. He hated Cobs...so why did he feel like he wanted to vomit? The shattering of glass left a ringing in his ears that rang on for what felt like eternity. An overwhelming sense of despair washed over him like a tidal wave. The sound of glass echoed in his brain until he just couldn't take it anymore.

"I'M SORRY!" Mephone cried out into the void. "I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to- I didn't mean to kill him! I didn't mean to...I didn't..." Mephone's yells devolved into crying, he pressed his face into his hands and sobbed until his throat was raw and eyes burned. The guilt he felt was undescribable. "I'm sorry...."


Mephone gasped and immediately shot up. He knew that voice. Tears flowed down his screen like a waterfall, he wiped them away but more soon took their place. "Mephone4" the voice called him sternly. He whirled around and came face to face...with Cobs. His glasses were cracked, his husk was ripped and snagged beyond belief by glass. But what caught Mephone's attention the most was the shinny shard of glass sticking out of Cobs's head, and his cold, dead, eyes.

"You should really wake up now." His voice was uncanny. Cobs smirked, a sinister expression Mephone had come to know as one of the things he feared most. "Wake. Up."

The vision shattered. He awoke to the breaking of the light above him and a myriad of floating stationary equipment, all encompassed in a familiar blue glow. His breath was uneven and ragged, he frantically looked around the room, he wasn't in the office anymore. He was in...a medical room? The orange sheets were mockingly soft compared to the emotions racing through his brain. Was it really all...just a dream? He was interupted by the sound of ceramic shattering on tile. Mephone jumped and the blue glow vanished, allowing the pens and various other utensils to fall to the floor.

He snapped his head towards the door only to see a wide eyed Test Tube, and a broken coffee mug on the floor. Test Tube looked between Mephone's glowing blue eyes and the previously floating equipment in awe. "Oh. My God...they really weren't kidding..." Test Tubes eyes lit up like fireworks and Mephone panicking internally. "I can't believe it! Could you always do this?" Test Tube picked up a fallen pencil with the giddiness of a kid on Christmas day. She practically flew around the room, avoiding shards of glass as she gathered the supplies. "I-uh-" Mephone didn't know what to say. The sudden transition between the awful nightmare and the scarily mundane office was enough to give him whiplash and make his head spin.

Test Tube turned to him, the excited look on her face slowly dropped into one of worry. "Hey were you...crying?" Mephone rubbed his eyes and his hand came back damp with tears. He wiped the rest away frantically, but there was no getting rid of the signature red puffiness that surrounded his eyes. Test Tube sat on the edge of the bed and Mephone flinched back. He curled up in his self, he wanted to disappear into the sheets of the bed.

Test Tube adjusted her glasses. "Sorry for geeking out, I got a bit carried away..." Test Tube explained in a regretful tone. Mephone just stayed quiet. "Did something happen? A bad dream?" Test Tube took a shot in the dark and hit the target. Mephone grimaced. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Test Tube hesitantly offered. Not ever did any of the contestants, specifically Test Tube, show much of any concern for his wellness. This was... unusual to say the least.

Mephone considered her words, but quickly regretted it as his nightmares reappeared before him. Cobs's dead eyes wouldn't leave his mind, a fresh wave of guilt flowed over him, he felt nauseous. "Mephone...are you alright?" Mephone was snapped out of his thoughts by a concerned Test Tube. Her eyes were filled with worry. His brain cycled through what felt like millions of memories at once. The reprimands, the basement, the fear, and Cobs's dead body all flew through his brain like a bloody film reel. Mephone felt his face go blank and his feelings go numb.

"Yes...ya I'm fine." Mephone spoke with as much confidence he could muster. "I'm just.." Cobs's words from his dream echoed in his mind. "Tired...I'm just tired..."


Paper opened the door and Lightbulb didn't hesitate. She immediately flopped on one of the beds and was passed out in seconds. Paper shook his head in amusement as Knife glared enviously at Lightbulbs unconscious form. "For the record, I'm sleeping till noon, and none of you early birds are gonna stop me." Knife sat on the bed and glared accusingly at Paper. Though his tired demeanor only served to make Paper laugh.

Knife's body begged for sleep, but something was keeping his mind awake, and it seemed Paper noticed. "Knife? Is something wrong?" Knife breathed a heavy sigh as he thought back to Cobs's office. "There's... something I left out when I told you and OJ what happened..." Paper leaned against the door frame and listened patiently. "Cobs said some things about Mephone that...I think might be important to know." Knife's words were slightly slurred together with exhaustion, but he was surprisingly coherent.

"What did he say-" "He called Mephone and Mepad his property..." Paper paused, his mouth still open. Paper mulled the info over and his eyes slowly widened. Knife nodded, suddenly seeming a lot less tired. "He told us he created them, and since he was a Mephone he completely belonged to Meeple." Paper's mind had trouble comprehending what he was hearing. "But- they're people-" "I know." "They have free thought and emotions and he just sees them as... property?!"

Paper's voice rose and Knife had to shush him from across the room, pointing towards the soundly sleeping Lightbulb. Paper whispered an apology and leaned heavily against the door. "Is that why Cobs took him? To 'get his property back?'" Paper did hard air quotes around that last part. Knife solemnly nodded. "Unless there's some other reason related to the weird power Mephone used which based on how Cobs was acting he didn't know about in the first place. I didn't see any other reason why Cobs would do that..."

Knife yawned and his eyes would barely stay open. Paper got off the door and went to open it. "Thank you for the info Knife, I'll be sure to tell OJ about this." Knife was passed out before Paper even shut the door.

----------------1421 words, and there you have it! Even if it's for revenge and by accident, killing another person is traumatic

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1421 words, and there you have it! Even if it's for revenge and by accident, killing another person is traumatic. I hope I did the angst justice :')
(Also for those of you who didn't know the extras book has been posted!)

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