[26] ~Turning Out~

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    Cobs sighed in disappointment, it had been a month since the Mephone4 had ran off with the Mepad. It had also been a month since the Mephone4S had begun it's proper training, and yet, nothing. Absolutely nothing. Had he built the chip wrong? Cobs pondered. Maybe it just wasn't compatible....

    Cobs groaned and shook his head. No, his design was perfect, he knew it was. Then what was preventing the Mephone bodies from accessing it-

    A knock on his office door cut off his thoughts. He sat up, slamming the familiar file at his desk shut and quickly shoving it in a drawer. "You may enter." He called through the door. A frazzled MeCloud attendant burst through the door, their eyes frantic. "Mr. Cobs, there's something you need to see." Cobs raised an eyebrow. "And what is that?"

   The employee sputtered for a moment. "I- it's, I mean no disrespect, but it's probably better if you see for yourself, sir...." The attendant stuttered out. Cobs sighed, getting out of his chair and shutting his laptop. "Alright, this better be important." The poor attendant nodded frantically. "It is sir! Please follow me, quickly."

    The attendant rushed down the hall at a brisk pace, Cobs on their heels. They led him to a familiar door that led outside. A piece of land connected to the large cloud MeCloud was built on, all protected by a large glass dome. Cobs had previously used it for the Mephone4's generation practice, but ever since it's gone rouge, it has been turned into a place for the Mephone4S to train.

    The moment the doors open Cobs had to cover his mouth and nose, the smell of smoke hitting him directly in the face. He was blinded for a moment, smoke billowing through the doors and out of the sealed enclosure. Cobs peeked his eyes open and adjusted his glasses, coughing as he breathed in the smoke. His eyes widened, the sight infront of him making him stop in his tracks.

    It was fire, or at least something extremely close to it, Cobs concluded. It looked and burnt like fire, but the colors were off. The unfamiliar substance gave off an almost fluorescent light while being completely red. It's center not burning orange or yellow but glowing a bright unnatural white. The red fire covered the patch of land in patches, bushes, plants, and grass burning to a crisp and turning an ugly black.

     In the middle of it all kneeled 4S, its hands leaving coal black scorch marks where they laid. The Mephone looked around the hellscape in shock, completely terrified. Given the fact it was specifically made to have a less complex emotion emulator, seeing such a strong emotional reaction took Cobs slightly off guard.

    4S finally seemed to notice him, it pushed itself to its feet, shakily standing up. "Father- I mean- Mr. Cobs I'm- I'm not sure what happened. I was just training as you said and then-" Cobs held up his hand, silencing the machine. Now that 4S was facing him he could now he its eyes. It's previously black eyes glowed an impossible ruby red, matching the flames perfectly.

    Cobs stepped further into the domb before turning to the employee. "Leave us here, if I need anyone I'll call." The employee stuttered. "But sir- the fire!" Cobs sighed. "You're work here is finished, thank you for informing me of this but I can take care of this myself." The employee hesitated but nodded, leaving Cobs alone with 4S. Cobs looked around the enclosure once more.

    The fire acted like normal fire at first glance, but it refused to burn beyond where it sat. Minus the small patches of scorched ground and greenery, everything else was completely untouched. A specific patch of fire caught his eye, burning right at the base of an old oak tree, its leaves a nice shade of blue. Despite the fire's proximity to the flammable tree, it's wood was not harmed, the fire did not burn it.

    Cobs approached the stunned phone, it stood straighter on impulse, folding its trembling hands behind its back. Its breath was shaky, eyes jumping between the fire surrounding it. Cobs stood directly infront of it, his face completely neutral. "Turn it off." Mephone4S flinched back at his tone, its face flipping from confusion to slight panic. "I- Sir I can't- I don't know how." 4S couldn't stop the tremor in its voice.

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