[11] -Sick Days-

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Lightbulb woke up at 10:56am somehow more tired than the day before. The crack in her bulb throbbed and she groaned, she would really have to see Test Tube about that... She did not sleep good at all, for the first few hours she slept like a brick, but for the remainder of the night she she couldn't stop tossing and turning. The pillows felt horrendous against her injury. Everytime she turned in bed she would press the cracked glass against the bed, causing the edges to flare up with pain. She woke up 7 separate times last night in various forms of pain.

Lightbulb winced as she draged herself out of bed, the sudden movement causing her head to pound and her head to spin. She leaned against the foot of her bed in a daze as her head swam, she really needed to get to Test Tube... Passing the still passed out Knife on the way Lightbulb stumbled out of the room and into the hallway. Lightbulb was getting real sick of these long hallways.

Lightbulb leaned heavily against the wall; passing many numbered hotel doors as she went. She could hear YinYang arguing with themselves, an obnoxiously loud sneeze from tissues followed by an equally loud groan from who she assumed to be Trophy. Most rooms had some type of noise coming from them, was the hotel always this loud? The noise just made Lightbulb's headache even worse. As she finally made it to the stairs. The stairs seemed to move and blur together, Lightbulb whimpered and leaned against the cold wall. She felt sick.

Lightbulb took a deep breath and took the stairs as fast as she could. The vertigo hit her like a train half way down and she had to stop. She slid down the wall and sat on the steps, her head in her hands. There was no way she was going to get down the rest of the steps. "Lightbulb?" Lightbulb tiredly looked up to see a concerned Paper at the bottom of the stairs. "Are you alright? What are you doing on the stairs?" Paper joined Lightbulb on the steps.

"Oh- heeyyyy Paper.." Lightbulb moved her head too quickly and another dizzy spell hit her, her face twisted in pain, Paper's concern only got worse. "I uh- woke up with this killer headache and my cracks were bothering me so I thought I would go to the medical office to see if Test Tube had anything but- I kinda got stuck on the stairs..." Lightbulb laughed anxiously. Paper hooked his arm around hers. "C'mon let's get you down." Paper helped her stand and get down the rest of the stairs.

"Do you need help getting to the medical office? I can help you there." Paper asked, worried. Lightbulb shook her head. "Nahhh, don't worry about it, I can make it." Lightbulb smirked confidently, making Paper smile, but he seemed unconvinced. "Alright...if you're sure. You know where it is right?" Lightbulb nodded and started off towards the medical office. "Uh... Lightbulb? The med office is that way..." Paper pointed towards a room that branched off of the main lobby. Lightbulb laughed nervously. "Right! I knew that." Lightbulb went the correct way towards the med office, Paper just shook his head.


When Lightbulb opened the med office door she didn't expect to see anyone but Test Tube and an unconscious Mephone4. She was quickly proven wrong however as she heard 2 very familiar voices. "Test Tube pleeease I'm begging you! You have to tell us what happened!" Fan clutched his phone tightly in his hands, a desperate expression on his face. Paintbrush stood tall next to him, arms crossed, their face stuck in a determined glare. Test Tube nervously fiddled with her glasses under Paintbrush and Fan's stare. "Listen, I'm sorry but OJ asked me not to tell anyone! And that includes you two!"

Paintbrush's frown deepened. "But Test Tube we both heard Paper talking to OJ last night! We know something happened to the remaining contestants! So-" "So can you please tell us what happened!? Or at least if Lightbulb's alright!? We've been freaking out about it all day!" Fan interupted Paintbrush mid sentence, they glared at him but he didn't seem to notice. Test Tube anxiously glanced to a side room labeled "infirmary". "I'm sorry! But I-" "Testy?" Lightbulb decided to interrupt them but immediately regretted it as all three of them stared at her with varying expressions.

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