[32] ~Stuck in The Middle of it All~

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(tw for graphic panic attacks, visual and auditory hallucinations, and eyes(dunno if that requires a tw but there are eyes- you'll see what I'm talking about)


_Project: Shimmer_

Entry. ???????????????     ##/##/####

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-The rest of the entry is barely legible, the file corruption distorting the letters making them impossible to read.-

-But through the jumble of letters and numbers it's very easy to tell that the author wasn't very happy when writing it.-

-The only readable word in the entire entry is "Shimmer"-

-Its unknown as of now what that is meant to mean.-





    In all honesty Mephone probably should have suspected something was wrong the moment the final four stumbled through the door.

    Mephone glanced between the five of them, feeling surrounded. He looked at Test Tube's face, her worry almost matching his own. His brain immediately started thinking of possible reasons for this confrontation, ranging from the completely impossible to the scarily accurate, at least to him anyway.

    He must have done something wrong his brain concluded as he pressed his back into the chair. If he could sink into that chair and disappear forever he would have. Test Tube said they found something out- what did they know? Did they know about what went on in his nightmares? Did they somehow know about him?

    Mephone scanned the group again, the cold grey eyes of Cobs(?) Staring at him through the small crowd was the only thing he could focus on. God- why couldn't he just leave him alone.

    It seemed after Test Tube said those first few words she didn't prepare anything to say afterwards as she struggled with her words. She stood there, fidgeting with her hands, and for a long moment there was just silence between the five contestants and Mephone. Mephone now decided he absolutely detested pure silence because Test Tube's open ended statement swirled in his head like a dust devil and flat out refused to leave him be.

    Test Tube stuttered before groaning and adjusting her glasses, she seemed to fiddle with them a lot when stressed Mephone noted. Test Tube sighed, looking between the four and Mephone himself before finally starting up again. "Do you remember the mining challenge? Mepad and Toilet said you were out of commission during it, so I've been wondering if you were even aware of the challenge assignment."

    Mining challenge? He definitely didn't remember that. Did she mean when he was rebooting? Mepad said they covered it but he never said what they actually ended up doing. "I- no." Mephone replied. "No I was probably unconscious the whole time, Mepad said he had it covered." Test Tube raised an eyebrow. "So, that's what he meant by "out of commission" then."

    Test Tube seemed to ponder Mephone's words before shaking her head and continuing. "While you were unconscious I found a glowing blue gem in that cave near the contestant grounds, does that sound familiar to you?" Mephone's eyes widened, the Gemories. Mephone knew where this was going now. He looked over the group and saw no confusion in their faces. They all knew about them as well.

    Whatever worst case scenario conjured up by his mind completely vanished and was replaced by the Gemories. What on earth could they have seen in those things? Mephone winced internally, subconsciously hugging himself. He got rid of those memories for a reason- the fact not only Test Tube but four other people saw them. God, it made him feel sick.

Project: Shimmer (ii Blue Eyes AU)Where stories live. Discover now