[7] -The Mind Of A Meeple Machine-

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Mephone's body wouldn't move, he only loosely felt what was happening around him but he couldn't make out anything that was happening. He heard people speaking, but if felt like they were on the other side of a thick wall, or he was underwater. He couldn't make out who it was or what was being said, but they sounded panicked.

He wanted to figure out who it was, but he just couldn't. His mind was too occupied with the strange power he used. He had felt it before, a long long time ago, but it was never that...extreme, atleast he didn't think it was, there was no way for him to remember. His memories of using it were faded and incomplete. They were only snippets of moments with zero context, flashes of emotions with no recognizable cause, he racked his brain for answers, but he found none.

A faded memory flashed in Mephone's unconscious mind. A vision similar to what he had saw when the memory gems were returned to him. It was a memory of a younger Mephone4. The younger Mephone focused hard on his hands as a blue light emitted from his palms. He threw his arms in the air in an arc. As he moved his hands, a blue ribbon like light followed them, making a rainbow like pattern of electricity above his head. It hung in the air for a few seconds before quickly breaking apart and dissipating.

Small blips of leftover energy floated to the ground like pollen. The younger version of him laughed childishly as one landed on his screen and vanished. What stood out most in the vision was the younger device's glowing cerulean blue eyes. The vision soon glitched and broke apart into nothing, the memory cutting off abruptly as if the ending was missing.

Another vision rose in his mind, it was the younger version of him once again. The younger Mephone rushed to catch a falling glass on the other side of a table, but missed. He flinched, waiting for the glass to shatter, but nothing happened. He opened his glowing blue eyes to the cup floating in midair, a faint blue glow surrounding it. He stared in amazement as the cup floated upwards, his eyes lighting up like stars. It was short-lived however, as the glow quickly flickered away, and the glass fell to the ground. The memory cut of before any sound of glass shattering could be heard.

Memories like those were few and far between. Most only lasted a few seconds, others weren't visions at all, just sounds and feelings attached to names that Mephone4 felt he had never heard in his life. Mephone couldn't remember everything that had to do with the unusual power he possessed. He didn't know where it came from, or why he forgot about it for so long, but he did know one thing, it was the one thing that kept him from snapping in that hellhole of a building.

He discovered it long ago, when he was still a "child." By then, Cobs had mostly lost interest in him and had started to transition to more advanced Meeple products, so Mephone had a lot more time alone. Once he had learned of it, strangely enough he had never told Cobs about it. Back then he told Cobs about everything, of course that was before Cobs got...violent, but Mephone still told Cobs about everything that wasn't the norm, all except for the energy.

He had no idea why he never did, perhaps it was a subconscious need to just have something, anything to himself that didn't involve Cobs or Meeple. Maybe he was too scared, afraid he would be more of a failure if he showed Cobs these abilities he was never supposed to have. Regardless, Cobs was never informed of it, and he never found out about it, until now of course. To him atleast, no matter what Cobs did to him, he always had that little secret that Cobs didn't know about, it's what got him through the toughest days in that building.

It was a comfort when he needed one, whenever he used it he always felt better. For that small moment it felt like Cobs and Meeple didn't exist, it was just him, and the light he could control at will. The calming effect of the energy only partially existed now. That anger he felt in the basement and in Cobs's office only seemed to fuel the power, like wood to a flame. He had no memory of this every happening, but then again he had not remembered a single thing about the power until recently, anything was possible.

Mephone4 had never felt that angry before, any anger he felt was either projected through sarcastic remarks or passive aggressiveness, but he had never done that to Cobs. He had wanted to, multiple times, but he never dared to, he was too scared back then. All of it was buried, shoved away for a later date that never came. It was bottled up for so, so long in the back of Mephone's head, that when he saw his contestants in that cage, and Cobs's nonchalant attitude towards the horrific acts he had just committed, it all just blew up. He didn't hate Cobs, he loathed him. He didn't hate anyone else more than him.

Everything was too complicated, there was too many unknowns and disconnected emotions floating in Mephone's brain, it made his head hurt. He was angry, confused, scared and happy all at the same time. He felt the urge to run, to forget everything and start everything over for the second time, but he didn't let himself push away the emotions. He let himself experience the joy of standing up to Cobs, the confusion of the strange abilities he possessed, the fury of Cobs's actions, and the fear of the unknown that lied ahead of him.

In truth, he was terrified. He knew he would have to explain all of this to the contestants, and he certainly wasn't looking forward to it. But he didn't let himself forget the emotions he was feeling, because these emotions ment he was a person, a living, breathing person. Getting rid of Cobs was only half of his revenge, living on as someone Cobs always believed he was incapable of being was the second, and hardest part. But he would do it, he promised himself he would do it and he wasn't going to break that promise.

But in the meantime, Mephone4 would watch and listen to the faded memories of good times long past. For once in his life, he would let himself feel everything at once.

--------------1121 words, y'know I can't really decide if I like the ending or not

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1121 words, y'know I can't really decide if I like the ending or not. Idk it feels too wordy but I still like what it means. I think the art for this chapter was the most fun to make cause I got to use fun textures :D. Anywho if you see anything I can improve on plz let me know (you know the drill lmao)

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