[22] ~The Right Thing~

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    The tiny metal rectangle practicality sizzled with heat as Cobs connected it to the main chip. With delicate hands the man plugged the final wire into it's side before sliding the other end into the chip. Cobs had to back away as the divots in the chip glowed a neon blue. He held the chip with his tweezers as the "P.S.E-1" engraved in the metal burned white hot before settling down into a bright cerulean.

    Cobs diligently jotted down notes upon notes as the chip reacted to the energy. It seemed to be taking it well. He brought the chip over to his work table, an almost finished Mephone body lying atop it. The chip inserted into it's back perfectly, the wires glowing blue as the compartment was screwed shut.

     His creation was so close to completion, it was infuriatingly tantalizing. But this task required the upmost patience, Cobs was eager but he was no idiot, he couldn't risk rushing this. Cobs wiped the sweat from his brow and tossed his tweezers aside, a satisfied smirk on his face. The future was in the palm of his hand, not just for Meeple but as a whole. This next creation, and the future ones like it, would change the world.

    An alien force combined with his unmatched machinery, it was his perfect storm was it not? Due  to the lack of  he would have only two tries to get it perfect, and he was determined to do so. An emotion modulator perhaps? It would push the testing phase back a few weeks but it would lead to much better marketing....he would have to think about that.

    No matter, all he had to do right now was focus on getting the outside finished. A second chip, almost identical to the first save for the red glow, sat next to the unfinished Mephone body. If this one went south at least he would have a backup. Splitting the energy between two chips wasn't the original idea. The split would overall make the Mephone's abilities weaker, but if they proved successful then he could always aquire more eggs.  Yes, everything was going smoothly.

    He would have to dispose of the egg's shell another time, it was no use to him now.





    Microphone gazed out the lobby window, a glass of water clutched in her hands. It was around 1:30 am now, but she couldn't sleep a wink no matter how hard she tried. It has become a routine now: go to her room, try to sleep for an hour, then ultimately give up in the end in favor of hanging out in the lobby or outside if the weather allowed it.

    The rain from earlier in the day had let up, but it left the atmosphere far too cold to comfortably stand in. So Microphone sat at the window in silence, pondering her lack of sleep. Her mind seemed to always drift despite her many attempts to correct it. She could never stop thinking about episode 14.

    She swirled the water around in her cup, completely absorbed in her own mind. She did the right thing, she knew she did the right thing, so why did she feel so...lost. She felt so confused... She really needs to stop thinking of these things so late at night. Shaking the thoughts from her mind she stared off into space, not paying attention to any of her surroundings. She really needed to go to sleep.....


    "Ah!" Mic jumped, almost dropping her cup in the process. She spun around, her breath catching in her throat. "Oh! Knife...I didn't hear you come in." Mic put a hand on her chest, her momentary surprise subsiding. Knife stood next to the couch with his arms crossed, it was difficult to see in the light but his expression was a complex mix of worry, curiosity and something Microphone couldn't identify.

    "We need to talk." Mic felt a cold chill go down her spine. Oh no. Before Mic could process her upcoming demise a voice interrupted her. "Yeah!" Mic had to cover her face as a bright light lit up near her. "Lightbulb! You're blinding us!" Someone else spoke. Lightbulb turned herself off. "Heh, sorry, at least I can turn my light on now!" Someone sighed in the darkness before flicking on a small desk lamp next to the couch.

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