[24] ~Grieve The Devil~

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Warning for talks of past toxic relationships and grief.


_Project: Shimmer_

Entry. 45 ##/##/####

In the past year, the Mephone4 has shown little improvement. It's generative abilities are mediocre at best and pathetic at worst. It's only able to generate small objects successfully, and struggles with bigger ones, specifically plant matter. It seems continuing with it's training would be a waste of time.

I have began construction on an updated model, a similar body with minor internal adjustments. I've modified the emotion emulator, lessening the output so it will be more mechanical in nature, but at least it'll do as I say, unlike 4. I've kept the generator while adding a new function I call "Siri." A virtual assistant that will keep this new Mephone on task at all times.

I've also included the backup P.S.E chip I had created. I did not change it, for I believe the problem was the Mephone4 rather than the chip itself. After this next model is up and running I will have no need for the Mephone4 anymore, I suppose it will have to be disposed of.

Shame really, I truly was hoping for the first try to be a success, but all it has been is a thorn in my side. Before I get rid of it however I'd like to retrieve the P.S.E-1 chip still inside it. It's unable to use the energy so I see no reason why it wouldn't be usable. I put too much work into creating those chips for them to just be thrown away.

Let's hope this next model will be more successful than the last one. I'd hate to dispose of two Mephone's at once, coverups are difficult to pull off after all.

- Steve Cobs





When Mephone woke up, he's ashamed to admit a small part of him expected to see Cobs there, waiting for him. But he wasn't, the infirmary seemed oddly....empty, without Cobs constantly watching him. It felt....strange..to say the least. His mind felt...too calm, too serene after 4 days of around the clock torment.

He felt like he was in the eye of a hurricane. Everything was quiet and still, yet any moment now the walls were going to tear apart and swallow him whole. He should feel releaved, right? He had no nightmares last night, it felt like he actually slept for once, he wasn't seeing crazy visions, and Cobs was......

Oh. Cobs was dead, and he killed him. He hadn't thought about that in a while. A strange and indescribable mix of feelings bubbled up in his chest. Was he meant to feel.....happy? Should he be glad that he's gone? No, that didn't feel right. He didn't feel happy at all. Quite the opposite.

But Cobs hurt him. Mephone shivered. He didn't have to worry about Cobs coming after him anymore, the visions were gone, the nightmares were gone, Cobs.....was gone. So why did he feel so sick? He killed someone, someone died, and he was the cause. He didn't mean too.... Mephone assured himself. He was just so..... angry.

Mephone's feelings were a tangled mess. An invisible knot of guilt, confusion, and grief. Grief..? No that couldn't be right. He shouldn't feel grief for someone so terrible, Cobs doesn't deserve to be grieved.

A familiar feeling of being watched crawled along his skin. Mephone glanced around the room on instinct only to find an even more familiar set of dead eyes staring back at him. He didn't move, his body was more see through than before but it was unmistakably him. Mephone jinxed it, he knew it was too good to be true. Even after confessing to Test Tube he still wouldn't leave him alone.

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