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Donna Stark woke up to her 1-year-old daughter crying, sighing softly she lifted herself out of bed

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Donna Stark woke up to her 1-year-old daughter crying, sighing softly she lifted herself out of bed. Quickly moving towards her daughter's cot she reached her arms into the crib picked up her daughter, she rested her against her chest gently rocking her back, and forth trying to calm her down. "Are you hungry Sophie?"  'Sophie' simply whine in response "I'll take that as a yes." After feeding her daughter Donna softly set her down in her crib.

Sighing relief that Sophie did not wake up Donna straightened her back getting herself ready for the day. Later after getting ready Donna was about to move back to her and her daughter's room when a light surrounded her.

Opening her eyes Donna groaned softly. "Where am I?" She heard a familiar voice call. She scrunched her nose in confusion. "Bill?" "Donna?" The same voice as before responded. She sat up opening her eyes fully and low and behold standing there was her ex-lover Bill Anderson in all his glory.

"Where are we? Are you okay?" Bill asked walking toward her with a worried and confused expression on his face.

"I'm fine a little soar but I'm fine. And I don't know where we are." She responded, his face visibly relaxing yet still holding the same expression as before.

Hearing more groans Bill quickly helps her up, standing in front of her as if to protect her only to have her walk around him with a face full of confusion. "Harry? Is that you?" Sounding confused "Donna?" He asked in the same voice. She nodded in response.

Then came the voice of Bill "wait you know this guy?" "Ye-" Donna cut herself off when she noticed the other 7 bodies lying on the floor the same way she, Bill, and Harry were. "Who are they?" She asked. Both of the men shrugged not knowing the answer.

It seems as though their question was about to be answered as one of the people started to wake up, turning around. "Dad!?" She exclaimed in shock. "Dad?" Bill and Harry asked in unison.

The man in a suit quickly stood up, he opened his to respond but before he could talk the other people in the room woke up. All groaning and sitting up. Everyone was silently staring at each other before a soft yet familiar voice spoke "D-Donna is tha- is it really you?" The voice asked in disbelief standing up almost as quickly as the man 'dad' had before slowly walking towards her.

Donna stepped back to get away from him only to trip on one of the tiles of the cold floor. Bill being closest had caught her. "You have to stop falling for me." He exclaimed jokingly before placing her back on her feet. Now standing Donna still didn't seem to realize that she was holding Bill's arm to her waist, though when she did she quickly released.

Getting over her initial shock she softly spoke "S-Sam?" So soft that if it weren't for the fact that the room they were in was dead silent no one would have heard it. As 'Sam' goes to respond her father's voice cuts through.

"You know as much as I would hate to break up this beautiful moment, I have to ask where are we exactly?" He asked rudely his usual sarcasm as prominent as ever.

"You think WE know why or where we are?" His daughter asked, her attention finally moving off Sam. "Well, I don't so you mus-" He was cut off by a bright light, Donna covers her eyes seeing the rest of the people do it as well. When the light disappeared a note fell from the ceiling above her. She grabbed it once it was in her arm's reach. "Maybe this note knows?" A man with short dirty blonde hair asked. "Well 'duh'." The red hed beside him responded hitting him around the head. "Just read it quickly." Her father snapped clearly irritated by the two.

Rolling her eye Donna finally reads the note. "Dear people in this room,
My name is 'C' I am the reason that you're here in this room. I brought you here to show you all what happened to Donna when she left home. If you all were to turn around you will find a screen, this is where you will be seeing what happened. You can not harm anybody all weapons that anyone might have, have been removed. There is a snack bar in case you get hungry P.S you can't leave until you are finished with the movie."

After finishing the note Donna looked up to find the unknown people parting themselves down as if to look for weapons. Suddenly Donna gasped "Where is Sophie?" She asked panicked. "Sophie? Whose Sophie." Her dad asked confused. Donna goes to respond when another note falls from the ceiling although this time not accompanied by a bright light. Grabbing the note Donna read over it sighing in relief. She looked up only to find everyone looking at her expectantly.

"It says that time is frozen outside this... Theatre, and when we go back time will resume. And that I'm not allowed to tell you who Sophie is. Also that we should introduce ourselves."

Everyone sighed but nodded nonetheless.

"Well, I'll go first. I'm Donna Stark."
"Tony Stark." The man who was supposedly Donna's father said after her.
"Sam Carmichael."
"Bill Anderson."
"Harry Bright."
"Natasha Romanoff."
"Clint Barton."
"Steve Rodgers."
"Bruse banner."

After introductions, everyone headed to the snack table, grabbing snacks then going over to their seats. The lights dimmed, then the screen brightened.

'C' is typing............

Hey, whoever is reading this hope you liked the first chapter as I said in the beginning it may seem strange but I like it so far.😃



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