I have a dream

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The screen opens up to the sun shining, and Bill's voice was heard

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The screen opens up to the sun shining, and Bill's voice was heard. "You sure you're gonna be okay?" The camera pans to Donna who's spinning around looking at the island in awe. "Yeah, I'll be fine." Bill nods. "I'll come right back after the race... But that won't be for another three weeks." Donna ignores him completely. "Look at this place. Isn't it beautiful?"

"It is very beautiful," Natasha spoke up as they watched the scene. "You live there now?" Donna nodded smiling. "Yeah, I do."

Bill never tears his eyes from Donna. "It is, yeah..." Dona turns to him. "What's wrong?" Bill glances at the sky before returning to the boat he was working on. "Storm's coming." Donna chuckled and looked at the sky. "It's clear sky!" Bill looks at her in admiration. "Trust me... actually don't. But I know I'm right." Donna looks around once more before nodding. "I'll still be fine."

The screen shows two blue rotting wooden doors, that open, slowly revealing a singing Donna.

"Wow! What an ugly- unique house that is." Tony quilly changed his choice of words at his daughter's glare.

"I have a dream, a song to sing," She looks around smiling happily. "To help me cope, with anything." She continues to walk through the house, she finds a three-panel window "if you see the wonder, of a fairytale," She tries to push it open only for her to break it, making her shriek. "You can take the future, even if you fail."

Tony sighed. "Still as destructive as ever, I see." Donna only smiled sheepishly. "You have a very beautiful voice," Clint told her, smiling when she blushed. "O-oh, thank you very much." Clint just winked at her, making her laugh. Both are unaware of the jealous eyes watching them.

She walks away, bursting into another room. "I believe in angels, something good in everything I see." She walks into a room with a bunch of crates in it. "I believe in angels when I know the time is right for me." She opens the door to a room filled with pottery. "I'll cross the stream, I have a dream." She walks down a stairway but quickly retracts her steps and sits on the rail to slide down.

"Jesus Christ sunshine, did you break everything in that house." Tony sounded exasperated as he spoke to his daughter. "Oh shut up dad." She glared at him sinking back into her seat.

"I have a dream, a fantasy. To help me through-" She makes it most of  the way down before the rail breaks and crashes, making her gasp."And my destination makes it worth the while. pushing through the darkness, just another mile." Her voice fades as she continues walking through the house.

'C' is typing.............

Hello, to whoever is reading this. I'm so sorry that this chapter took so long. Hopefully, I can get another chapter out by today, if not by tomorrow. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter even if it's short. Bye


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