Why Did It Have To Be Me?

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The scene opens up to a bunch of chatter

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The scene opens up to a bunch of chatter. It shows Donna running to the passport box thingy, her suitcase behind her. "Hey!" She says breathlessly from the running. She places her passport down and takes off her hat, sighing. The man opened Donna's passport and stared at it before looking at Donna, "You grew your hair... It's longer now."

Everyone stared at the man, confused. "Why is that relevant... to the situation, or at all?" Bruce asked, confused. Donna looked at him before answering. "I have no idea. I was just as confused as you are."

Donna paused before touching her hair. "It is a bit, yeah. I know we could talk about it, but the ferry leaves any second and uh, I think great things are waiting for me." She finished staring at the ferry in worry. The man stared at her in disgust. "I prefer it shorter."

"That is a really random thing to say." Donna looked at Tony. "Maybe he just gets bored sitting there all day, stamping passports. I don't know" She shrugged, and Tony stared at her before turning back to the screen. "Still random."

Before he stamped the passport giving it back to her. Donna grabbed her passport and bags before running off, quickly running back; and grabbing her hat, laughing.

"That was adorable," Sam spoke, not realizing what he said. When he did, he slapped his hand over his mouth. Donna looked away from him, trying to hide her blush. Bill wrapped his arm around her shoulders and glared at Sam, along with Tony and Harry. "Watch it, kid, that's my daughter." Donna smiled softly, happy that she and her dad still have some kind of relationship

It shows the ferry leaving the port, then Donna running. "Wait! Wait! Please!" The boat honks its horn. Donna's clothes are shown falling out as she runs after the ferry. "Don't go, oh god. Turn around right now."

"Did you really think that would get them to turn around?" Tony asked his daughter, an amused look on his face. "Well, I was willing to try anything to get it to turn around." She responded, shrugging sheepishly. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, it was very amusing to watch." Donna glared at Bill. "Did you notice the clothes falling out of your bag or...?" Natasha looked at her. "I didn't notice, but someone else did." Natasha looked like she wanted to know more but turned back to the screen.

She stopped and sighed, seeing it won't come back. She then hears a male voice behind her. "This is great," She turns around startled, she sees a handsome blonde man around her age, holding the clothes that fell from her bag, she sighs seeing them. "I'm just going to follow you around everywhere. By the end of the day, I'll have a brand new wardrobe."

Tony looked at his daughter and the boy sitting next to her. "So that's how you two met?" Tony asked... Well, it was more of a statement. He eyed the arm Bill had around his daughter's shoulders. "Yes, yes it is." She responded.

She smiles and points at the yellow bikini top he's holding. "I don't think that'll suit you." He holds it up to his chest. "I say I can make it work." She turns back to the far away ferry. "I wanted to catch that ferry."

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