Kissed the teacher

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The screen showed a bunch of

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The screen showed a bunch of... Heads?

"What the hell is this?" The redhead- Natasha asked. "I believe this is my graduation," Donna responded, smiling softly. Ignoring the awed looks she got from Sam. Nodding in thank Natasha turned back to the screen.

Cheering and applause can be heard. The camera moves downward, showing a pair of gold-heeled boots with a blue star on the ankle. "So, it is nearly time for the graduating year to go out into the world. Supported by friends and family, so many of whom they are grateful to have in attendance on this August day."

"Late as always Donna." Her father said sarcastically. "Well if I learned anything from you it's that a Stark is never late everyone else is simply early." Donna quipped back at him, smiling cheekily. Tony sighed "You're too much like me." He mumbled smiling to himself.

Donna stark, in all her glory, is shown sitting in her seat next to her two friends. "But first, custom dictates that I call on the undergraduate selected by his or her peers... Sorry, sorry. To deliver the valedictory address. This year that undergraduate, punctual as ever," The woman sighs. "Is Donna Stark." Donna is shown standing from her seat and walking up to the stage. Clearing her throat, she continued talking over the cheering taking Donna's hands into her own. "You're going to do great things, Donna." 

"Well done, that's quite an achievement, Mrs. Stark," said Steve Rogers. "Thank you, You can call me Donna. Also, it's just miss." She responded with a small smile. 

"Thank you, vice-chancellor, for everything. This place has taught me so much about friendship," The camera showed her peer's faces smiling at her. "loyalty, love."

Jealousy was seen on Sam's face at the word 'love.'

"But most importantly, it's taught me that the best things in life, the very best things, happen unexpectedly. HIT IT!"

"You didn't," exclaimed Bill from beside her. She grinned at him "Oh, but I did." She responded, giggling. He chuckled in disbelief "Of course you did." He muttered under his breath. "Donna, why would you do that?" Her father's voice ruined the moment. "I don't know dad. Why didn't you come to my graduation?" This answer silenced her father. "Wait, You didn't come to your own daughter's graduation?!" Clint barton exclaim in pure disbelief. "I was busy." HE tried defending himself. "You're always busy- You know what? Drop it." Donna quickly cut herself off, not wanting a fight to break out. "Let's just watch the movie." Clint relaxed back into the couch. yet an angry expression was still on his face.
"You okay?" Bill whispered in her ear. "I'm fine." She whispered back, smiling softly. Once again, jealousy passed over Sam's face.

[When I kissed the teacher played through a radio]
"Everybody screamed." The class gasped. "When I kissed the teacher." The class cheered. "And they must have thought they dreamed when I kissed the teacher." Donna walked across the stage while singing. "All my friends at school," Tanya and rose stood waving and cheering. "Had never seen the teacher blush she looked like a fool." Donna moved her gown, exposing her shoulder. "Nearly petrified cause she was taken by surprise." She ripped off her clothes, showing her brown and yellow outfit underneath. "When I kissed the teacher." Her friends walked down the aisle in matching outfits throwing their gowns in the air, singing to their classmates.

"Holy shit!" Almost everyone in the room exclaimed in shock. "Language," Steve muttered weakly, still shocked by what was happening on the screen.

"Couldn't quite believe her eyes when I kissed the teacher." Her friends joined her on the stage. "My whole class went wild." She moved her hand, pointing to her classmate who all jumped up in a wave-like way. "As I held my breath-" The three of them put their hands on their chest. "the world stayed still but then she just smiled." Dancing they continued singing. "I was in the seventh heaven when I kissed the teacher!" "What a mad day! Now I see everything in a different light. What a mad day!" Walking around the three teachers at the front they placed their boa scarfs around the teacher's necks sitting on their laps.

"Oh, my God Donna what here you thinking?" Harry asked laughing. "I wanted to make one final impression." Donna shrugged as if it were obvious. "Well, I certainly think that you achieved your goal," Bill spoke up from beside her.

"I was up in the air and she taught me a lesson alright." Sitting up again, they did as the song said and kissed the teacher.

"This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen," Natasha mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear, the others nodding in agreement yet still star-struck.

"I was in a trance." Standing up and moving to the front of the stage then turning around and stage diving, they continued. "When I kissed the teacher. Suddenly I took a chance when I kissed the teacher." The crowd turns them around. "Leaning over me," The crowd placed them down running out of the school. "She was trying to explain the laws of geometry." It shows the student taking their bikes from the bike rack. The bikes were shown riding away. "And I couldn't help it I just had to kiss the teacher." The camera moves back to the school, showing the vice-chancellor dancing and singing. "What a mad day." She takes off her gown and hat, while the other teachers and parents sit star-struck. "Now I see everything in a different light. What a mad day!" She whips the scarf at the other teachers them gasping in response. "I was up in the air and she taught me a lesson alright."

There was complete silence before everyone burst into laughter. Clint even fell on the floor.
"Oh my god," Donna says through cackles. "I didn't know this happened. Nobody told us" This only makes everyone else laugh harder. Once they calmed down the movie started again.

The camera moves back to the kids showing them all riding their bicycles in a row, Donna, Tanya, and Rose, in the front. "What a crazy day. When I kissed the teacher. All my sense had flown away when I kissed the teacher. My whole class went wild as I held my breath the world stayed still but then she just smiled." 

" What is this place? It seems familiar." Tony asked confused. "Donna smiled sadly. "You took me there for my sixth birthday. You told me it was mom's favourite spot." Tony's confused face turned into one of realization the sadness. Nodding in understanding he turned back to the movie. Sensing her sadness Bill placed his arm around her shoulder ignoring Sam's glares.

It shows them pulling into a courtyard. "I was in the seventh heaven when I kissed the teacher." Donna and her friends jogged up a stage, Jumping in circles with their hands in the air. the class chorused behind them. "I wanna h-hug him." "When I kissed the teacher." The student danced with them "I wanna h-hug him." "When I kissed the teacher." "I wanna h-hug him." When I kissed the teacher." "I wanna h-hug him." When I kissed the teacher." They finished off by jumping into the lake below.

"That was so awesome. How did you come up with that?" clint asked amazed. Donna shrugged "It's what we do." "I agree with Clint Lady Donna that was very good," Thor spoke up. Donna blushed and nodded her thanks.

'C' is typing.......

Hi to whoever is reading this! I hope you liked this chapter. I don't have much to say so bye



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