questions A/N

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Hello everyone, I know this isn't the update you've been wanting or expecting but I promise that I will try to get that update out as soon as possible.

Now for what this is actually for, i want opinions on what my next book should be. I'm gonna give you a list of ideas I have and all I need you guys to do is vote on which one you think you'll like the most. This will be open until I finish this book so if this book is labeled completed when you're reading it, you can go ahead and skip this. Anywho here are the options.

Female!JamesPotterxRegulusblack MaraudersAU





Alrighty then pls let me know which you would prefer and, yeah that's it. Thank you and bye, Love ya!

Gosh you guys are fast, I forgot to mention that whichever one wins there is a 50/50 chance of it being a watching the movies. Thank you,love ya!

Thalatha ~ Wtm- Mamma Mia/MCU (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now