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Donna was smiling softly leaning into Bill's arms, wishing that Tanya and Rose were with her

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Donna was smiling softly leaning into Bill's arms, wishing that Tanya and Rose were with her. As if the fates were listening to her, a bright came from the ceiling, everyone covering their eyes. Two loud thuds were heard before soft groaning was heard. "Where am I? Did I die? Huh, it's more boring than I thought it would be." One of the people said sitting up. Another groan was heard, the other person also sitting up. "Rose? did you die too?" "Dead? I'm too young to be dead! I mean I'm not even married ye- Who are they?" After her short panic attack, 'Rose' realized that they were people watching them with amused expressions on their faces.
"Donna?! Oh, My God! I feel like it's been so long since I saw you." Tanya hugged her friend tightly, Rose quickly joining in. Everyone else watches the small group reunite with a small smile. "The DYNAMOS are back together! WHOOOOO!" Tanya yelled still hugging the other two who were laughing with her. After that, the tearful reunion Donna took the two of them to the side telling them what exactly was happening.

"They're such a cute trio don't you think Tony?" Nat asked Tony. Tony nodded. "They are." "Do you know how they met?" Clint asked, wanting to know when Tony stopped being involved in his daughter's life. "They've been friends since they were like 2-years-old." Clint nodded. He was about to as another question when the trio came back. Settling down the movie started again.

The screen opened to Donna in Paris walking, before stopping and looking around.

"Oh, wow, Paris is beautiful," Tanya said in awe, Roose nodding in agreement. "Yes, it is. And although it was short, I really enjoyed my time there, it was amazing... Though maybe it was the person I was with that was so amazing." Donna's voice got softer towards the end of the sentence though everyone heard it, wondering who she was talking about, except for Natasha, who caught the way Donna's eyes flicked to Harry, and the way that Harry started to blush to the point where he looked like a tomato."

The camera moved up to the sky then moved down showing Donna walking towards a building, a couple making out behind her.

The people against PDA grimaced slightly yet stayed silent.

Donna walked into a hotel, looking around for someone whose supposed to be at the front desk, ringing the bell once, twice, sighing she looked around to see if anyone was watching, seeing no one she walked behind the desk looking at the keys not hearing the footsteps.

"Oh, god." Harry groaned in embarrassment remembering what happened next. Donna is basically on the floor laughing so hard also remembering. Everyone else looked at them curiously.

The screen showed Harry coming down the stairs, tying his bathrobe around his waist, glancing up he saw Donna at the front desk, Cleating his throat, catching Donna's attention she gasped softly as he spoke... French? If you can call it that. " uh, excusez-moi?"  Donna turned around putting her hands behind her back the man continued. "Oh, Bonjour mademoiselle. Uh... Um. Je Suis locked out de ma Chambre. Oh, I don't... Uh, je put my tray out, uh, Dans le corridor, mais, uh, malheureusment Quand Je, um, turned back, uh, la Porte était fermée."

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