Andante Andante

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The scene changed to Donna walking down a dark passage in the rain

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The scene changed to Donna walking down a dark passage in the rain. she lifted he hands and laughed as she felt the rain on her hands. Suddenly she hears a loud bang from afar. She ran toward the sound, and when she got there she gasped lightly in shock. There stood a beautiful black horse. "Hey," she tried to go toward it but it jumped to its hind legs neighing at her. "Whoa!" She went to calm it down when one o the ceiling beams broke in front of it causing it to repeat its previous action, and Donna to scream. "Wait there okay? I'll be back okay?"She runs out of the room.

The screen shows a road surrounded by trees, a motorcycle riding down it. Donna is seen running to the street yelling. "Stop! Stop!" The motorcycle stops, revealing the rider to be Sam. "Can I help?"

"Hey, look! It's you!" Thor pointed to Sam, who nodded awkwardly. "Yup, that's me." He looked at Donna who avoided his eyes, making him sigh. "That's a good bike," Natasha told him checking out his bike. "Oh, uh, thanks?" He scratched his neck awkwardly.

Sam and Donna are shown walking through where Donna was before, moving the wood that fell from the roof. "You got a plan?" Donna asked Sam as they walked closer to the frightened horse. "Oh, absolutely. I'm a trained veterinarian."

"Oh well, that's convenient!" Steve said, Donna, snorted in response. "And not true." Steve nodded, "Yeah, that sound about right." He sat back.

Donna looked at him surprised. "Really?" "No, no, I'm an architect. But don't tell this guy that." The horse neighed loudly. "Woah! Okay, I'll distract him you grab the halter." Sam nodded. "Brilliant plan. What's a halter?"

Tony slapped his face with his hand. "Oh, dear God!" He looked at Sam. "You don't know what a halter is? Who doesn't know what a halter is?" Everyone except for him and Donna raised their hands making Donna and Tony roll their eyes. (I know what a halter is but at the same time I don't)

Donna rolled her eyes. "Just talk calmly." She told him as she inched closer to the horse. "Oh, easier when I'm calm," He quickly started talking to the horse at Donna's glare. "Alright, my friend. Storms are scary. And I wish I was home and dry right now too... But, believe me, if it came down to a choice, between leaving you- Whoa!" The horse was once more on its hind legs when Donna grabbed the halter. "Leaving you and helping you, there's no choice a all."He looked at Donna who briefly glanced at him before looking back at the horse. "Good boy. Good boy."

It then showed now dry Donna and Sam walking on what seemed to be a mountain. "So, uh, we've walked this entire island, and I still haven't seen where you live." Donna pointed out, making Sam sigh. "I live in a shack on a hill."

"A shack? Really?" Tony raised his eyebrows when Sam nodded. "Whatever floats your boat... I guess."

Donna looked at him shocked. "What the hell are you doing there?" They had stopped walking at that point. "Uh, I don't know... Running away I guess. Back home everything was lined up for me. A great job and just... You know, my whole life mapped out, I wanted to take a break before I signed up for it. What about you?" Donna sighed a huge sigh. "I have absolutely nothing mapped out. No idea what the future holds." She glanced at the motorcycle. "Enough walking, let's ride." Sam laughed but walked towards his bike nonetheless.

"So, how come your here all alone saving horses?" Sam asked as he looked through the jewelry on the table. "Uh, I've been travelling all my life. My dad was always busy with his business, and my mom passed, but when she was alive she was always on tour."

"I-Donna-" Tony tried but Donna held up her hand. "Dad, I know that it's difficult to run a business... Especially one that you didn't like. So don't worry about it. This made Tony relax a bit. "But still, I should have been there for you more." "Dad I promise it's fine!"

Tanya and rose each grabbed one of her hands in comfort. She squeezed them, and they repeated the action.

Sam glanced at the dressing room where Donna was. "She sings?" Donna's head popped out. "Sweet as sugarcane." Making sam laugh. "You know there's some really great stuff here," He pulled out a dress. "This would look very nice on... You." He trailed off as he looked up and saw Donna walking out of the dressing room in dungarees. "You really don't know me at all do you?"

"You met like, two seconds ago, of course, he doesn't know you!" Donna rolled her eyes. "I was being sarcastic Dad. You of all people should know that."

They now sat in a bar/café *Kisses of fire playing in the background* "I am definitely staying here forever." Donna laughed, making Sam smile. "Yeah, your parents wouldn't miss you?" He questioned raising an eyebrow when she chuckled. "No, they're not those types of parents." Donna waved him off. "Oh, I'm sorry- sorry I didn't know-" Donna cut him off. "Oh. Oh, this isn't a sob story, I'm fine." Sam smiled. "Yeah, I wish I could stay here too." Donna took a sip of her drink. "When do you go back... To your fully programmed, good job, short haircut life." Sam laughed. "I have a week, umm, listen, about what's waiting for me back home-" Donna cut him off. "Wait hold on, hold on." She whooped loudly. "I am definitely staying here." She turned to the woman behind the bar. "Excuse me, are you the owner?" The woman shook her head. "My son the owner. He had to buy bar because no other place would let his band play." The man swooped in behind her. "Hello. So, how can I help you?" Donna smiled at the man. "Firstly, you are all awesome. And secondly, I'd like to sing here sometime... With my group."

"THAT'S US!" Tanya and Rose yelled. "WERE THE GROUP!" They whooped loudly as the rest of the room laughed.

The man's eyebrows rose. "You have good voice?" Sam spoke before Donna could. "Sweet as sugarcane." Donna chuckled at him. "Let us hear!" Donna looked surprised at the suggestion. "Oh, no. Not just like that." The mab threw his hands in the air. "Here on the island, everything just like that. It's the path to happiness. You think too much, you get unhappy. Think is pretty much... A mistake." He finished smiling brightly. "Well, in that case... Uh, okay... Take it easy, with me, please. Touch me gently like a summer evening breeze. Take your time, you know how. Andante, Andante, just let the feeling grow." The band started playing behind her making her laugh. "Make your fingers, soft and light. Let your body be the velvet of the night. Touch my soul you know how... Andante, Andante, go slowly with me now. I'm your music." The band repeated her word. "I am your music and I am your song!" Donna laughed. "I'm your song! Play me time and time again and make me strong!" "Cause you're making me strong!" "Make me sing, make me sound!" "You make me sing and you make me-" "Andante, Andante, tread lightly on my ground." She started walking towards Sam. "Andante, Andante, oh please, don't let me down." Sam laughed as everyone else in the bar cheered. "You are hired!" The man told her. "Really?!" "You are very very hired!" Donna whooped loudly.

Donna's singing continued as the scene changed, to her and Sam walking along the beach, They then stopped to look at the ocean, Sam resting his head on Donna's shoulder as she leaned into him. They continue walking, their hands slowly linking. They stopped walking and faced each other. Their lips slowly met in a passionate kiss

Sam stared at the screen with glazed eyes. He wished they had just stayed like that forever, little did he know Donna was thinking exactly the same thing.

'C' is typing........

Howdy to whoever's reading this. I told you id have it out by tomorrow. So... I'm getting a puppy in like three weeks. AHHHHHHH! Anyway, hope you enjoyed it, it's my favourite chapter but, it's still good. Bye


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