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The next scene opens up with Donna and Sam on a boat, leaving shore

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The next scene opens up with Donna and Sam on a boat, leaving shore. "I just don't think you know what you're doing." Donna defended herself, and Sam settles in the boat, putting the oars in place. "Well, I'm hoping, if I keep pulling on these two pieces of wood... We might eventually bump into land." He starts to row. "Oh, okay, okay." He glances back. "There's another little island over there, thought we might go for a picnic." Donna nods, "Where's the food?" "Oh well, You're going to catch it, on the way." Donna laughs, picking up the fishing equipment from under where she was sitting.

"Do you know how to fish?" Tony asked his daughter. "Kinda, only a little bit." She held her thumb and pointer finger slightly apart. Tony smiled.

She fiddles with the fishing gut. "Uh... So, we haven't talked about last night," "No!" "You should know that I never do that, that fast... "

They all turned to look at her, she covered her face in embarrassment and pointed to the screen

I mean hardly ever, well, sometimes- a bit recently in fact, but on the whole, not." She rambles, Sam, cutting her off. "I thought it was miraculous!"

"Wow!" Natasha stared at the screen bitterly. "Get you a man like that... Why aren't any of the men I date like that?" Donna shrugs, "I have no idea."

He smiles at her, Donna looking down shyly, biting her lip. "Umm..." She begins. "I'm gonna say something here, and you should shut up while I'm saying it because, you'll think I'm crazy for a while, but gradually you'll... You'll realize I'm right. And then you'll spend the rest of your life, thanking me for saving so much time, and just getting straight to it." Sam looked at her unsurely. "Well, I'm ready." Donna takes a deep breath. "I wasn't joking yesterday. I was serious... I want to stay here... And I think you should too. I think we should make a choice to do something radical and wonderful, to live in this extraordinary place with someone... with someone miraculous." He stared at her for a while. "I told you you'd think it was crazy." "I just don't think it's that simple... Nothing is-"

"Everything is if you break it down," Tony spoke, Sam just stared at him remembering what Donna said next. "What?" he asked, he looked at the team who shrugged, then at Donna who was staring at him too. "WHAT?!" Donna shook her head and turned back to the screen.

Donna is quick to interrupt him. "Everything is when you break it down."

"Oh... I get it now."

He starts laughing, "I don't think it's crazy." Donna laughs too. "That'll do... for now." He smiles and turns around, taking out a camera. He starts taking pictures of her, and she laughs and then starts posing for him.

"Uggh! That's so cute!" Tanya exclaimed.

'C' is typing........

Hola, whoever is reading this book
First off I know this chapter short
Second I know this took way longer to publish than it should of
Third I will try to get another chapter out today or tomorrow
And fourth the reason it took me so long to write this is...


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This is Pepper, she's a Yorkshire terrier

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This is Pepper, she's a Yorkshire terrier. A friend of mine's dog had puppies and they gave one to me so here she is she I my baby and no harm will ever come to her...
Anyway sorry for taking your time to show you my puppy. Bye


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