Rose's crush

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The next scene starts with Rose picking up two drinks, and Donna and Bill laughing in the background

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The next scene starts with Rose picking up two drinks, and Donna and Bill laughing in the background. She laughs with them, but her face drops when her back has turned to them. She hands Tanya her drink. "My point is-"

Rose groaned sinking into her. "Do we have to watch this?" Tanya laughed at her while Donna sent her a sympathetic smile. Rose had come to her after she had Sophie and told her about her feelings for Bill. She wasn't angry with Rose but with herself for not noticing when now, looking back on it, it was quite obvious.

Tanya is quick to interrupt her. "I know what your point is." "No, you don't know what my point is." Tanya rolls her eyes."Your point is that you fancy him."

Bill looked at Rose alarmed. "Y-you like me?" Rose nodded before continueing to sink into the seat. Tanya and Donna both comforting her. Bill was frozen before a small, almost unnoticeable smile apeared on his face, making Donna smile too.

Rose hums. "See, you were wrong that's not my point, it's not that I fancy him. My point is actually that I love him, and want to have his babies, eventually push him around in a wheelchair and scatter his ashes." Tanya spits out her drink, disgusted.

Bruce grimaced. "Okay, that's kinds gross."

"I see." She wipes her mouth. "And he likes Donna. And I don't think that's very fair." Tanya leans forward. "He can help her feel better." She tries to reason with Rose. "You know what makes me feel better when my heart is broken? Cake."

"I think that that's a very good way to feel better." Clint nodded, "good tactic." Natasha agreed.

Why doesn't she just do that instead? Eat an enormous amount of cake and leave the hot candy guy to me?" They turn to look and Donna and Bill. "I'm going in." She stands up and Tanya stops her. "No, you're staying out sister. Because you love Donna and you want her to be happy." During the discussion, they fail to notice Donna and Bill coming over to them.

"Hey, guys. This is my friend Bill." Donna points to Bill. Rose accidentally lets her beer fall out of her mouth. "Hey!" Rose wipes her.

"Oh gosh, this is so embarrassing." Rose groaned, covering her face and sinking lower in her seat.

"Hi, it's so nice to meet you, we've heard nothing about you." Rose snorts at Tayna's bluntness. Bill laughs. "I brought Donna here on my boat" "you've got a boat! He's got a boat" Rose exclaims shocked by the information. "And then I got worried about her so I came back." He smiles at Donna. "He worries, he cares, and he's got a boat!"

"It is a pretty cool boat." Harry points out. Bill smiles at him in thanks.

Tanya roll her eyes at Rose... again. "And now I'm taking her out to sea again." Rose stands awkwardly. "He's taking you out... on a boat." Rose sits back down. Donna's face drops as she steps forward. "You don't think I should go?" she asks. Tanya is quick to step in "Are you kidding? Of course, you should. Tell her she should go." Tanya brings Rose out of her chair and stands her in front of Donna. "You should absolutely go."

Donna gaped at the screen, "How did I not notice you like him? God, I've known you since you were like 2, I've been through all of your crushes with you, all the symptoms are there!"

Tanya put a hand on her shoulder. "You were heartbroken sweety."
Donna nodded, "But still, honestly!"

Donna nods still a little suspicious. "That's what I'm saying!" "I'm saying it too, go" "GO!" Tanya steps forward. "And do everything I would do." Rose pulls her back. "Maybe not everything, sorry" Donna laughs. "Thanks, guys. I'll be back soon." She walks away with Bill. "Bye!" They wait for her to walk away. "Can I get some cake over her?" Cake!" "A lot of cake!"

'C' is typing...........

Hello person reading this, the long awaited update is finally here. And I am so sorry it took so long to do. I had exams and the I just wanted to relax, but still it was a long wait. I'll try and get another chapter out today, hopefully. Anywho, thank you for reading love ya!

 Anywho, thank you for reading love ya!

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