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Andrew Garfield and Aurora Moore recently engaged and now parents to be. I have to start off by saying Aurora you look stunning and Andrew you seem so happy and full of joy.

Aurora: Thank you. This amazing creative team have very much made me feel beautiful after three months of near constant puking, back pain and many other not so beautiful side effects of pregnancy.
Andrew: I'm always quite happy and joyful as I'm sure Aurora can atest to but these last few months between proposing to this beautiful woman beside me and then finding out I'm going to be a father and experiencing all of that have been some of the happiest times of my life.

How did you find out you were pregnant?

Aurora: We were away in Denmark where Andrew proposed and a day or two after the proposal I started feeling sick and getting sick which Andrew thought was food poisoning but I had my suspicions my period was late which rarely happens unless I'm extremely stressed which I wasn't at the time so I went to a chemist took a test and voilà I was pregnant. I then told Andrew that same day.

How did you feel when she told you Andrew?

I didn't get what she was trying to tell me at first. I had asked her how she was feeling she mentioned how she felt worst in the morning which I completely skipped over in my head. Then she mentioned holding off on wedding plans for next year because of having a newborn and it clicked then. I cried and you cried and I think we then spent the rest of the day talking about the baby and names and nursery plans and anything and everything.

You were very good at keeping it hidden from people up until now. Aurora you went on to do a play in New York for two months how was that experience for you.

Tough. I made the director and my brilliant co star and friend Michael Zegen aware and their are completely unscripted parts in the play where Michael or someone else in the cast improvised because I was off stage puking almost everyday. They were amazing but I couldn't do that again.

So your co star was aware before your family and friends. How did you parents react to the news.

Andrew: We made the decision when we found out to hold off on telling our families and friends until Aurora was further along in case she was to suffer another miscarriage but we knew the cast and director of the play Aurora was doing would ask questions if she disappeared and was getting sick regularly so we agreed she'd tell them. My parents were thrilled my mum is hoping for a granddaughter their as excited as we are for this.
Aurora: I didn't want to get people's hopes up if something had gone wrong which they haven't thankfully. My dad and I cried it's his first grandchild and moments like this and the engagement are when I miss my mom the most so it's gonna be difficult going through this without her but Andrew's mom is amazing and I'm so thankful for having her.

Are you guys planning to find out the gender?

Aurora: No we have our suspicions but this baby is gonna have an amazing inspiring non binary role model for a godparent so if our child chooses to be neither gender we will fully support them.
Andrew: We live in a world where thankfully you can be whoever you want to be and express your identity in so many different ways and I think thats incredible and something we will teach our children about and we are lucky like Aurora said to have such a strong role model in their lives.

Will you teach the baby Danish?

I grew up in a bilingual household and yes I don't speak it as much as I used to but its apart of my identity and who I am just like we'll teach them about the Jewish side of Andrews family its apart of their identity and their culture.

Any name suggestions will you go traditional or non traditional.

Andrew: We've discussed names and I'd say their a combination of both we have some gender neutral names also. We're not set on any yet though apart from middle name.
Aurora: Yes middle name is set whether it's a boy or girl their are middle names for each but first name is undecided but our families love the middle name choices.

Andrew you have spoken about your love of sleep are you prepared to give up a peaceful night's sleep for the foreseeable.

Probably not. But it means more time with my baby and naps together which is gonna be my favourite thing to do with the baby synchronised nap times.

Exactly. Thank you for joining me today and for answering my questions and we wish you all the best with your pregnancy and birth and everything and congratulations again on the engagement and baby news.

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