Spirk's Daughter

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What you call them: Jim: Dad, Daddy

Spock: Farther, Papa

What they call you: Jim: monkey

Spock: mariposa (Spanish for Butterfly), sweet pea

Jim and Spock had been married for about two years when the Enterprise got attack by Krall. Once they got back to Yorktown Bones sent everyone for a full physical but warned the doctors at Yorktown that Jim was, well. Reluctant to pay them a visit. In the end it was Spock and Bones dragging the whinnying wuss to medbay on the new Enterprise. Spock held him still long enough for Bones to at least give him one hypo. "Jim is there a particular reason as to why your blood pressure is through the roof?" Bones asked studying the reading on his triquarter, "No why?" "Just asking, mind if I do one more test just need a blood sample," "Go ahead." The three waited in uncomfortable silence for the result. "Well bust my buttons and call me a monkeys uncle," "Bones what is it?" "It's positive," "What's positive?" Jim asked starting to get a little alarmed, "For a laugh I did a pregnancy test on you, yes it was possible but yeah it came back positive," Spock was speechless, "Hold still and put this to your stomach," he announced tossing Jim a metal circle, "Holy cow Jim you really are pregnant things detecting a foetus, I would say less than five weeks along," that was it Jim was completely zoned out. 5 weeks meant he was pregnant when Krall attacked...

The two walked silently back to there quarters to discuss the news of the last hour but it was more silence then anything else, "Yes we discussed trying for kids but that was months ago," "Jim you do seem to be a state of shock," "What do you expect Spock we just found out I'm," he paused briefly to lower his voice, "Pregnant?! Especially after we tried for almost two months before giving up," "It is not something that is new. The earliest recording of a male pregnancy took place in 1992 and there have since been thousands of this type of pregnancy since and possibly even more before hand," "How you remain so logical amazes me. It's just," Spock allowed Jim to climb onto his lap to cuddle while they spoke, "I wanted to have kids at some point, Spock will you please just say something," "You keep saying some point why not now circumstances are in our favour why not as many humans say embrace it? I'd be okay with it if you are," "Well then in eight months we're gonna be parents."

Jim and Spock chose to wait till the first trimester was over and there was less of a chance of a miscarriage but that didn't mean Jim was still running into crazy territories on away missions like he used to. He started subtly pulling back and Spock would frequently have to remind him that know he could not go provoking the Klingons on one of there territories while pregnant. Morning sickness was awful for Jim and got the point where he was willing to get a hypo to stop it, that's what drew the suspicions of a close tight-knit crew. Their Captain looking like he was about to hearl constantly and frequently having to run and hearl. They were about to go and ask what the hell was going on when the happy parents-to-be dropped the massive bomb on them.

Now it was the whole crew telling Jim to take it easy and not to do anything stupid. 9 months later Jim was on the bridge trying to ignore the pain in the ass Braxton Hicks contractions and focus on the job at hand. By now Star Fleet had long been since informed and other Captains would occasionally playfully tease Jim whenever they got the chance. "Captain you alright you seem antsy," "Braxton hicks are a royal pain," Sulu bit his lip turning back towards his console wishing he hadn't asked. Jim + hormones is not a combo you'd want to face head on.

A sudden sharp pain that was different from the Braxton hicks caused Jim to wince but he ignored it. About ten minutes later there was another the same, he discreetly timed them biting through the pain till it was a sharp pain every five minutes, "Sulu take the helm, I'm gonna," he winced gaining the attention of the rest of the bridge, "Oh god contractions?" He asked, "Every five minutes," "Should have said," Sulu yelled poking at Chevok to get a hold of Spock and alert med bay. "Can someone put me through to Commander Spock, what do you mean he is to not be disturbed? Well tell him his husband is in labour and watch him shoot like a rocket!"

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