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Larry: "LAU!!"

I jumped up while in bed. I looked around the room panicked. When my eyes landed on the window I saw it was day light. I then looked at Larry and sighed. I moved the blanket and swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

I put my hands on my face and just sat like that. I then felt Larry presence in front of me. I looked up and saw him knelt down in front of me. I put my hair through his head and messed up his hair. I then stood up but instantly regretted it.

Larry: "Calm down Lau. You just got back from the hospital. So there's no need to rush and try to get better. I know your still in pain from the accident and the nightmares.." He said catching me immediately.

Lau: "I'm good Larry. It perfectly fine, see just fiiine.." I said trying to stand straight.

But I couldn't move my legs. They were stuff for a good minute and felt like jelly. My arms and upper body were in pain. My head was aching and my eyes heart like hell. My ears felt cold, my nose still couldn't smell properly, and my feet feel numb.

Larry: "C'mon Lau.." He said sighing.

I sighed as well as I get shifted into Larry's arms.

Lau: "This isn't gonna be forever. I won't need help forever." I said lowly.

Larry: "I know babe, I'm just here to help. But only if you let me, Lau." He said as he walks downstairs and into the dining room.

I stayed quiet after that.

Larry: "Imma cook breakfast real quick. Rubix and Roy are in the other room if you need them." He said and left to go cook.

I folded my arms on the table and laid my head on them. I closed my eyes and silently cried to myself. If your wondering why I'm breaking down by myself I'll tell you.

A couple weeks ago I had gotten into a car accident. I ended up with minor injuries and some other things as well. The doctor said the side effects will last a couple weeks due to how hard I was hit. But the other cars in the accident were far more worse then mine. And I feel guilty about what happened.

Even tho I know it wasn't my fault. I feel responsible for it, thats how I've always been. When me and Larry were younger, I took the  responsibility of taking the most emotional and mental pain. Larry was the opposite..

He was never good with dealing with his emotions or how to mentally figure out how to deal with himself. That why we get into so many fights but I always forget him because I know he doesn't mean it. But that doesn't mean I don't know how to fight. We both do it's just that Larry is more physical then I am when it comes to certain things.

Rubix: "Lau?" I heard him say.

I whipped my tears on my sleeve and looked up at him smiling. He looked at me confused and sat down next to me.

Lau: "Hi Ru.. how'd you sleep?" I asked.

Rubix: "Good, looks like you didn't get any sleep.. you ok?" He asked me.

Lau: "Yea, just a restless night ya know." I said.

Rubix: "Hmm.." he hummed as he grabbed a fruit out the fruit basket.

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