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Ghost Lau

I woke up looked around. I saw that I was in an empty hospital room. But I felt light and I didn't feel any pain. I then looked at my body and saw that I was dead.

God: "Bonjour mon fils." I heard.

(Hello my son)

I looked at where I heard the voice come from.

Lau: "Qui êtes-vous, monsieur?" I asked as I got up and walked towards him.

(Who are you, sir?)

God: "Je suis Dieu." He said as he smiled.

(I am God)

Lau:" Je suis mort, n'est-ce pas?" I asked.

(I'm dead, aren't I?)

God: "Oui, mais pas pour longtemps Lau. je veux marcher avec toi. Répondez aux questions comme vous pourriez le dire." He said as he started walking.

(Yes, but not for long Lau. I want to walk with you. Answer the questions as you might say.)

Laurent: "What happened to me?" I finally asked in English.

God: "Your brain was dying. Then your lungs and organs started to fail. But your heart was still beat. It still is but very faintly and eventually it'll stop." He said.

Laurent: "If it's still beating how am I dead?" I asked confused.

God: "Cause I thought we'll have a little talk before you fully come to heaven." He said.

Lau: "Oh... Is it nice?" I asked as I follow him.

God: "Yes it is, it's also beautiful. But for everyone heaven is different." He smiled at me once I caught up with him.

Laurent: "Is Larry and the others oki?" I asked worried.

God: "See for yourself my son." He said as we arrived at a certain part of the hospital.

I looked and saw Larry and Rubix talking. Which made me realize that Lilo was in the room they're standing in front of. I then saw a doctor walk over to them and so I walked over as well.

Doctor: "Is this the family of Laurent Bourgeois?" He asked Larry and Rubix.

Larry: "Yes, how's my twin?" He asked worried.

Doctor: "I'm sorry to say but he's dead." He said.

That's when I watch as Larry black's out and Lilo's heart beat drops. I couldn't stand to watch, so I walk over to Lilo's bed and kissed her forehead. I whispered in her ear and walked over to where Larry was.

I kneeled down beside him and patted his head soothingly. I didn't say anything just kept doing that until he was put on a stretcher and taken away.

I then looked around for Rubix. I saw him standing there having a panic attack. But he walked backwards until his legs his a chair and sat down trying to calm down. I then sat down next to him and laid my head on his shoulder even tho he couldn't feel it and silently cried.

God: "vous savez que vous pouvez revenir en arrière, n'est-ce pas ? mais il y a une conséquence à chaque action." He said.

(you know you can go back, right? but there is a consequence to every action.)

Lau: " Ouais je sais. Mais..." I started.

(Yeah, I know. But...)

God: "Mais rien, ils ont besoin de toi Laurent. Vous ne voyez pas la douleur qu'ils ressentent ? Tu leur manques, surtout Larry. Il manque le plus à son jumeau Lau. Je pense donc que vous devriez réfléchir à vos réflexions à ce sujet avant de prendre une décision finale." He said.

(But nothing, they need you Laurent. Can't you see the pain they're feeling? They miss you, especially Larry. He is missed the most by his twin Lau. So I think you should think about your thoughts on this before making a final decision.)

Laurent: "Oui, mais ce n'est pas à moi de le dire. C'est à toi, alors... puis-je revenir en arrière ? père..." I asked him.

(Yes, but that's not for me to say. It's up to you, so... can I go back? dad...)

God: "Toujours, mon fils. Rappelez-vous juste... les conséquences." He said and touched my forehead.

(Always, my son. Just remember... the consequences.)

Laurent: "Merci, beaucoup.." I said crying smiling.

(Thanks you, very much)


Sorry if theirs any mistake on the French. I used Google Translate bc French isn't my first language so sorry again for any mistakes or mispronunciation. Anyways here's another upload today.

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