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Lilo: "Uncle Lau? You ok?" I heard her say from next to me.

But I couldn't say anything. My voice was caught in my throat. I couldn't say anything I was... Scared. I wanted to cry so many times over again. Apologize over and over until I couldn't bare it no more. I was in pain because of what I caused, Laylah and Larry.

Especially, my brother... The pain in his eyes every time he looks at me gets bigger everyday. The pain on his face when I glance at him when it's just us. The hurt he has in his mind and soul, the way he dances to the songs now. It's all full of sorrow all because I wanted to come back to and stay. I ...

Larry: "Lau?" I heard him say.

My breath hitched and I couldn't breath. My body was tense and everything around me was a blur. But I didn't know what was going on.

Larry: "Lau... what's wrong? Talk to me. What's going on?" He asked me as he picked me up and sat me in his lap.

Eleni: "I think he's having a panic attack." She said somewhere in the dining room.

Was I having a panic attack without noticing? But I was fine just a second ago.

Lilo: "Uncle Lau? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She asked as she came closer.

Lau: "Lilo..." I whispered.

Larry: "What was that?" He asked.

Lilo: "It's oki, Uncle Lau. Take your time." She said as she rubbed my arm.

Lau: "I'm so sorry, bebe. I... I didn't know this was gonna happen to you. I watched as everything go down while I was talking to him. I was a ghost, and he led me to y'all at the hospital. I saw Larry pass out and your heart was dropping. I just wanted to be able to see us all happy and smiling like we were before the accident. But he warned me there was gonna be consequences to my decision. I didn't think he was gonna take you away. I'm sorry, mon amour." I said full on sobbing as I talk to Lilo's ghost.

Larry: "What are you talking about? The accident wasn't your fault. And who is he?" He said as I shook violently.

Lilo: "Uncle Lau it's ok. You didn't know that it was gonna end up with me being taken away. I forgive you Uncle Lau Lau. You just have to let me go." She said as she hugged me and Larry.

Lau: "Thank you, thank you... I miss you so much Lilo. I really do, I took you away from him. And I didn't mean to I know it wasn't my fault but still. I'm sorry.." I said but was cut off.

*Larry breaths hitch*

Larry: "Lau... Have you been seeing Lilo?" He asked.

I shook as I cried. I couldn't even answer him due to how much I was crying. My breathing was becoming irregular and I couldn't stop shaking. My mind was racing a mile a minute and I couldn't focus enough to hear anything completely.

Lilo: "I forgive you Uncle Lau, you just have to let me go. I love you, and tell mama and papa I said I love them and hello." She said kissing my check and disappeared.

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