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I open my eyes as groan. I immediately held my head when I felt the pain. I then looked at my surroundings and saw we had served off the road and into some construction area thing. I then noticed that the glass was broken by a metal piece and didn't stop until it hit the back seat.

I then panicked and looked in the back fo the others. What I saw was horror. What I saw wasn't something you'd forget so easily....

I then heard a pricing scream coming from somewhere. I couldn't pin point where buy all I knew is that I had to get Larry and Lilo out the car and get the ambulance.

I then made eyes contact with Lau. He was still alive, he was still breathing and I was scared shit less. I then unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the car door. I stumbled out and fell onto the ground. But I caught my footing and was able to open the backseat door. I then got Lilo out, but when I looked up again I saw Larry was waking up.

In the distance I heard the ambulance coming. But at the moment I wasn't worried about that. I gently set Lilo against the car and looked over her figure for any cuts or brusies. That's when I heard the terrible yell of Larry.

The saddest scream I've ever heard come from either on of the twins. The pain, the sorrow, the agony in his voice is enough for you to think he'd lost his mind if you didn't know what was happening. But if you did your heart strings would pull deeply.

I close my eyes to block out Larry's screams so I can continue to check for any major brusies on Lilo. But so far I couldn't see any physical injuries that seem harmful. I kissed her forehead before I went to Larry and Laurent's side.

Once I checked back in the car and made eye contact with Larry. My heart broke at what I was seeing in front of me. I then got into the car and tried to calm him as best I could.

Rubix: "Larry, the ambulance is coming. I need you to come with me. Oki? I know you don't want too. But he would want you safe. So would Lilo... She'll need you Larry. Please come with me, I promise he'll be fine." I said trying to pursuade him.

He didn't say anything for a while. He just tried to unbuckle Lau's seatbelt. But he couldn't after a while, by the time he stopped trying the police and ambulance were already here. But once he spoke he didn't even look up at me.

Larry: "Ru... Help me get him out."


Ik it's short but its just something to post for now until I can actually post an actual long chapter. Anyways, hope you guys like it I'll see you guys later. ✌🏾

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