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I looked at Larry as he helped me up. He looked serious like always but he isn't seeing me. It's like he's seeing through me instead. He gave Rubix the bags in his hands. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and helped me to the car.

Once we got there I looked at him but he wasn't making eye contact with me. He just closed the door and helped Lilo into the car. Rubix out the bags in the trunk and got in. Larry then started the car and headed towards the movie theater.

The car ride was silent but the atmosphere was uncomfortable. Nobody said anything the whole way there. I constipated on if I should say anything about it but decided on not doing so. My phone then buzzed and I looked at it. It was a text from Rubix, I looked behind me and he had a worried look on his face.

I nodded at him and looked at the text he sent.

Rubix ❤️: "What's up with him?"

Me: "I don't know, we aren't linked up mentally so I can't say. But I can feel something wrong with him."

Rubix ❤️: "Ok.."

Once he sent that I exited the message and turned on the radio. I plugged in the Aux to my phone and played 'Suga Suga' by Baby Bash. I then turned to Lilo and made funny faces. She started giggling and I smiled.

When the guy started singing I sung along with him. I looked at Larry who looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I was singing to him while being funny. He just shook his head as he drove. I then looked in the backseat and was singing to Lilo and Rubix.

They started laughing when I did that and I tried not to smile. But when Rubix started to sing along I bust out laughing. Then the car came to an immediate stop causing me to jerk forward. I looked at Larry who looked shocked but also angry.

I looked at what cause him to stop like that. It was an accident at an intersection. Looks like a drunk guy was speeding a little bit and hit the back of someone's car. Nobody was hurt thanks God, but why would hell would he drink at this time of day?

Larry: "That son of a biscuit." He said trying not to curse in front of his daughter.

He then drove around the accident and continued on to the movie theater. Nobody said a word about what just happened since it was sudden. But something was very off with Larry so I linked with him to see if he's oki.

*Larry? What's up with you? Your acting wired.*

*I'm fine Lau, just wanna get the movie theater. And then to mamans house.*

*Your not oki, we can tell something is wrong?*

*We? Who's we?*

*Me and Rubix... maybe even Lilo. But like it's obvious that something's up. You've been like this since you've caught me at Layla's house.*

*Not right now Lau, we'll talk later Oki?*


I rolled my eyes and looked. I undid our connection and unplugged my phone from the aux. I went on Instagram, tiktok, and Snapchat. I then went through my text messages and texted a couple people back.

Lilo: "Uncle Lau, where are we going?" She said speaking up.

I looked behind me and smiled at her.

Lau: "We're going somewhere fun." I said winking at her.

She made an O with her mouth before she smiled big and sat back into her seat. I smiled at her and faced forward. I looked at Larry for a second and then plugged my headphones in and closed my eyes.


I can't think straight. What Leaylah said won't leave my head. I don't want to believe she's correct but I don't wanna not believe her. I know my twin better than anyone but a lot of things just..

Lilo: "Daddy, you ok?" I heard Lilo say.

I looked in the rearview mirror and saw her staring back.

Larry: "Yea, just thinking baby. How does a movie sound?" I said smiling at her.

Lilo: "Ooo, is that uncle Lau was talking about 'something fun'?" She asked.

Larry: "Maybe.." I said making a goofy face.

She laughed and we kept talking about random things. She eventually feel asleep while I was driving. Right now I'm getting gas and Rubix is in the bathroom. My door was open and I was watching over Laurent while he slept.

He's been knocked out for a good minute. A couple times I heard him mumble something or shuffle in his seat. But other than that he was quite and he seemed to be sweating. I looked at the gas pump and saw that I reached where it was supposed to be.

When I took it out and put it back. My head started hurting and I was feeling pain in my stomach. I closed the gas whole thing and went to Laurent's side of the car. I opened his door and cupped his cheek.

Larry: "Lau.. Lau.." I said shaking him.

But he wouldn't wake up. I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked and saw that Rubix. I then looked at Lau when I heard him groan. I then got scared and started to shake Laurent.

Larry: "Laurent, wake up. Lau c'mon man this ain't funny. Lau.." I said shaking him rapidly.

Rubix: "What's happening? Why isn't he waking up?" He asked but I ignored him.

Larry: "Lau.. bro get up. Let me see those brown eyes. C'mon, I need you bro." I said trying not to cry.

Rubix: "Larry, what's going on? Should I call..."

Lilo: "Daddy? What's wrong with uncle Lau?" She said getting my attention.

Larry: "He's just very sleepy and he isn't tryna wake up for Daddy, baby" I said putting on a fake smile.

Lau: "Larry..." I heard him whisper.

I looked at him and saw that his eyes were half open. I smiled with tears in my eyes. He smiled back and I immediately hugged him. I smelled his sent while hugging him.

I heard him laugh a little. When I let go he looked so tired and in pain. I looked over at Rubix who looked concerned. I nodded my head at him and he knew what to do.

Lau: "Larry, it hurts.."


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