Chapter 4

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We land in California sometime around 5AM. The ride was long and agonizing due to delays but it's finally over. The plane comes to a stop and I look over to the guy next to me.

He's gone.

I shrug, thinking he is in the bathroom or something. I push all my items into my bag that was under the seat in front of me and place the bag in my lap. I patiently wait for the lights to come on and for the plane to connect to the airport so I can get out of this seat. I stare out the window and watch the people along the ground scurry like mice doing their jobs as the baggage people and the plane directors.

During my daze the lights flick on and people rush to get out of the plane first. I wait a few moments before getting up and waiting to grab my bag above me. I look around to find the mysterious person who sat next to me. I look up ahead and watch the grey hoodie leave the plane. I finally get out of my seat and grab my over-head item and rush out of the plane. I find part of my large group sitting in the chairs waiting for everyone to get out.

I see the grey hoodie and see an empty seat next to him. Since I don't have anyone I am friends with and he is the only one who has really "talked" to me I quickly get over by him and sit down. He doesn't move as I take the seat beside him. His head is down and on his legs. His arms wrapped around his legs.

"Where did you go at the end of the flight?" I ask him, not knowing if he'll answer.

"I. I uh. I went to talk to the leader." He quickly gets out. I nod, even though he can't see me, and go on my phone to text my mom that I landed.

"Alright everyone." Mr. Dauzat speaks from the middle of the crowd, "Not all of our group is here. They will meet us at the hotel. Everyone will be here by tomorrow. So today is just a free day to spend at the hotel. There is two fast food places and one restaurant that you may go to for your meals that are right next to our hotel. This includes Chipotle, McDonald's, and Bob Evans. Please don't go any farther than those places. There is a pool inside and outside the hotel." He pauses, "Now. Let's all get to our bus."

We all get through the airport and load onto the big bus that will take us to the hotel we will stay at for some of our stay. I just so happen to sit next to Dylan again. He has the window seat this time and he stares out the window the whole ride leaving me to talk to nobody. I don't like him but at the same time, I do. I want to get to know him and understand him. I want him to open up. I wanna know who he really is. Maybe someday I will.

We get to the hotel and I am in a room with one queen sized bed. Best part. I'm all alone in the room. I collapse onto the bed and throw my stuff into a corner for now. I lay there for about ten minutes then get up to put my clothes away in there proper areas. I then put on some new clothes and grab my key, phone, and wallet and walk out. I am one of ten girls on this floor and I'm not friends with anyone. So it'll just be me and nature. And maybe Dylan if we become somewhat friends.

I walk out of the building and decide to go to McDonald's for lunch cause everyone else is going to chipotle or Bob Evans and people think it's gross but I actually like it.

I walk in and order my food. Thankfully, there is a small wait and I turn around to look for a place to eat. I turn the corner and I see a familiar grey hoodie sotting alone. I smile and walk over towards him.

Nature ( Dark Dylan Dauzat )Where stories live. Discover now