Chapter 14

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*Hello all my faithful readers! I had this as a draft and never posted it. I decided I would as a final chapter and I would love it if you guys finish the story!!! I'm sorry I never finished this book like I wanted to. Please check out my first book on my profile! It's finished! I love every one of you!*

Both call my name as I get away from them. I catch up to the group and hurry myself to the front of the pack. I find the girls there.

"What's wrong?" Holly instantly days after they greet me.

"Nothing. I'm jut tired." I give a small smile and she nods as if she knows to back off. I do small chatter with her and Madison before Courtney waltzes over.

"Oh hey Ella." She smiles at me and I smile back. Jacy comes from behind her and her face brightens up when she sees me.

"Oh Ella! Hello darling!" She pulls me into a hug which I really needed. I hug her back happily and she pulls away.

"Where you been?" She asks me.

"Boy trouble." I snort. She tsks, laughing as she grabs my hand and pulls me next to her.

We all walk towards the big opening where the buses were. Jacy asks to sit by me and I gladly accept. I see Dylan and Joe get on the second bus both separated from one another as I walk onto the first bus.

It has been a hectic day so far. We go to a little diner and take up most of the small building. I sit with the four girls and the boys watch me intently and each give one another evil glares. I choose to ignore both for the day, just to let the hot fumes die down. I just couldn't deal with all that for now. They both need to apologize though.

We chat and eat and I keep quiet for most of the time. I look over to both the boys only once. Both were staring at me. I felt awkward and uncomfortable.

We left the diner and went back to the forests and put into two groups for geocaching. I was in Dylan AND Joe's group.


I cling to Holly and Courtney as we travel around to try to find the little and hard-to-find geocaches. I had found two so far and the two girls had just tagged along to act like they found them with me when really I was doing all the hunting. I see one hidden in a dead log off the trail a bit and go out to fetch it.

As I place my hand into the log I feel a quick sting on my hand. I jerk my hand out and see my hand is bleeding from two holes in my skin. A snake slithers out of the log and into the woods. I scream for help as I clutch my aching hand.

Holly runs over to me and Courtney follows behind. They guide me to the trail again and call out for help. Two leaders come along and start asking me questions

"What did the snake look like?"
"Was the head round?"
"Did you kill it?"
"When did you get bit?"

Tears fall down my cheeks as I say "I don't know." To every question. The pain gets more intense in my wound.

A crowd is around me and suddenly Dylan emerges from the group to my side. He grabs my hand and begins to suck at my wound. I scream in pain trying to get away but his grip is too hard. He does this for a good minute then stops. And spits a weird substance out. My hand starts to ease from the pain subsiding and I calm down.

"Dylan thank you for sucking the blood out. Thank goodness he was here." A leader says. A person with a first aid kit comes running to me to help me. They bandage my wound and we all leave the trail so I can be taken to a hospital. An ambulance rolls up to the parking lot as soon as we reach it.

I climb in along with a leader and Dylan. Joe sees me get in and starts to come into the ambulance but an EMT told him to step away. I'm laying there in the ambulance in shock of what happened and an oxygen mask is given to me. I get really nervous as I lay there and my heart starts pounding as I breathe heavier and heavier. Dylan grabs my good hand and gives it a squeeze as the EMT tries to calm me down.

I close my eyes as suddenly I can't stay awake anymore. I pass out.

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