Chapter 11

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The harassment continued. For the whole week me and Joe paired up for the activities that were assigned to do for the trip. We got water spilled on us, things thrown at us, and even almost caught in a rope trap. I've had enough with Dylan's little game. I storm up to him during breakfast.

"What is wrong with you." I emphasize 'wrong'. He looks up innocently batting his eyelashes in his adorable little way.

"What are you-"

"Dylan. What is your problem with me? You won't leave me alone when you told me we can't be friends so I left you alone. I have tried to make friends here and all you do is ruin it for me. Why won't you leave me alone!?" I scream the last sentence.

I grab my hair and slightly pull it. I groan at the emotionless Dylan as he processes my words.

"It's- it's." He stutters. I wait impatiently for his response.

"Your always on my mind. I can't get you out and every time I go to sleep I dream about you. I can't help it I can't stop thinking of you and when your with that loser Joe it makes me mad cause he rubs off as a bad person but you look so happy with him and I know you won't be happy with me and I'm sorry." Dylan sobs halfway through.

He drops his food and sits on the floor with his hands on his face. My instant reaction is to sit next to him. I try to fit the words in my head.

"So what are you saying? Me and Joe are just friends you know that right?" I rub his back as he cries into his hands.

"I want you." He says in a whisper. My breath hitches. I stop my movements.

"You what?" I ask knowing his answer.

"I want you, Ella. I want you more than anything." He says quietly looking up to me with a tear stained face. Those brown eyes sparkle with the water. I smile at him and pull him into a hug.

"You can have me." His grip on me in the hug immediately tightens I laugh slightly as I let go. I wipe his face semi-dry. He smiles and goes to kiss me, but stops.

"I want to get to know you more before anything proceeds. I don't want to pressure you into anything either." He says politely. I nod in agreement.

"Same here." He smiles and gets up. He helps me stand up and we clean up his little mess he made from his food. We throw it all away and I go into the breakfast line with him so he can get more food.

"I already ate." When he offers food for me, but smile at his cute gesture.

He gets all his food and we make our way to an empty table for three. He pulls two chairs close together and I sit down then he does.

We talk about things for almost the whole time. Mostly random chatter. It's around 11:30 when some group leaders tell us we need to go on the buses.

"Also. Remind me to tell you something when it's just us again. It's really important and this isn't a good setting to tell you." He says as we walk to throw away his food.

"Yeah sure." I tell him, getting slightly nervous of what he is going to tell me. We walk outside the hotel and go towards the buses. I'm stopped by Joe.

"We partners today El?" He asks me.

I shake my head. "No sorry I have another friend who really wants to be my partner." I tell him. He gives me a sad face then walks away saying goodbye. I wave and rush up to Dylan.

"What did he want?" Dylan seemed mad.

"He asked me if I needed a partner and I told him I had someone else today."

"Well who is this loser." He asks in anger.

"You." I laugh. He blushes immediately. "Oh." He looks at his shoes embarrassed.

We walk onto the bus and sit down in a two seat together.

We talk a little about our family life back home on the trip to the park. Then we talk about fears of ours. We end up taking about nature when the bus stops at the park.

We walk off and he grabs my hand and guides me to a trail.

"Dylan this place wasn't assigned." I say nervously.

"It's okay. Just for today." He winks at me.

We go through the empty trail and it leads us to a huge field. The area is surrounded by forests and there is a pond at the far end. It's absolutely gorgeous.

"How did you find this place?" I ask in awe of the beauty in front of me.

"I did some searching yesterday. I found this beauty and claimed it as mine." He exclaims proudly. I chuckle at him.

"Race you to the tall grass." He points ahead to the two foot grass about 200 yards in front of us.

"Let's go." I smirk.

"Ready, set.... Go!" He says and we bolt off. He passes me within seconds and makes it their before me by a lot. I slow down as I see that I clearly lost and start walking, out of breath.

Dylan turns around and opens his arms wide, smiling. I laugh and use all my strength to run to him. I run right into his arms and almost make him fall over. We laughs as he holds me tight, giving me a funny feeling in my stomach. He nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck and I do the same to his chest.

After what seemed like forever he lets me go and lays down in the grass. I lay beside him.

"It's just us." I say as I turn to face him.

He looks at me and blinks a few times then speaks;

"There is something wrong with me. Like I'm not. Normal." He says in a saddened voice. I look at him I confusion.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I'm-" he stops. And stares right into my eyes.

"I'm bipolar."

*A/N: Whut*

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