Chapter 8

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"Now I'm not afraid of heights." Dylan finishes one of the countless stories he told me.

"I don't know how your not afraid! I'm terrified!" I chuckle.

"Hopefully I can change that." He winks playfully.

"It's 8:30!" I gasp and laugh at how the time has flown by.

"We should be going so they don't get nervous we are gone." He points out. I nod and gather my things. We had already paid for the bill. We got up and leave the restaurant and head towards the big hotel.

"That was fun." Dylan breaths. I smile at him and nod. The cool summer breeze wiping my face. We walk along the peaceful, gravel path towards the hotel. The walk was quiet, nothing but small talk. I felt like I had known him for years, but it's only been a couple of days.

"I feel like you know me better than everyone. And you haven't known me four days." Dylan laughs and blushes at the same time.

"You read my mind." I gasp. He smiles showing his teeth. Such a beautiful smile.

"You have a really nice smile." I say looking at his mouth.

"Not as pretty as yours." He says. We stop from walking and face one another.

"I guess I didn't think I'd see you smile this trip." I say looking into his brown eyes. He nods.

"Neither did I." He laughs slightly. He moves closer to me. I move as well and close my eyes. His hands cup my cheeks as he attaches his lips to mine. They move more perfect than the last kiss and our motions move in sync. I wrap my arms around him and he pulls me in by the waist, making our bodies touch. His rougher lips against mine make sparks fly in my stomach. He backs away breathlessly.

"I'm sorry." He says. Almost smirking.

"Nothing to be sorry about." I answer.

"There's just something about you..." He trails off.

I smile and he returns the gesture. He intertwined my hand with his and we continue our walk. Our hands slightly sway as we walk up to the door into the hotel. He lets go of my hand.

"I have to go talk to Mr. Dauzat. I'll see you tomorrow." He tells me, face falling a little.

"Yeah okay I'll see you tomorrow." I smile. He pecks my cheek and rushes inside and to one of the ground floor rooms. I stand there in awe of what just happened.

I smile the whole way up to my room. I collapse onto my bed and scream of happiness into my pillow. I scramble to find the remote and turn on the television. I surf the channels and stop on a murder mystery, because those are the best shows on my opinion.

I watch a few and happily fall asleep, dreaming of me and Dylan's kiss.

|5:15 AM|

Woke up to an alarm from outside the room. It was a fire alarm. I quickly get up and grab my flip flops, phone, and sweatshirt and rushed out. Many others were running down the hallway and descending the stairs. I rushed out and tried to find someone I knew. I saw Jacy from afar with Holly.

"Guys!" I yell as I approach them.

"Someone started a fire on the sixth floor." Holly informed me. I nodded slowly.

"Who would do it?" I groan being annoyed that some idiot decided to start a fire.

"I have no clue." Jacy looks worryingly at Holly, "but we could've died!" She sobs. Holly pulls her into her arms. I rub her shoulder lightly as we watch firefighters run inside and the firetrucks start shooting water at the top floor of the hotel.

All of us watch in agony as they try to set the fire out. The fire lasts only ten or so more minutes and the fire is completely out. Only the top two floors were burned, the rest were seemingly okay. Thankfully I was on the third floor and didn't have to be extremely worried about my stuff.

"Where is Dylan?" I ask a leader of one of the many groups for my trip.

"He is with his dad." The girl informs me and points to the grass area over by the parked cars.

'Dad? Why is his dad here?' I ponder in my head. I walk towards the grass and stop in my spot behind some rather large trees. I look into the grassy area and search for Dylan. I scan the area and stop on the brown eyed boy. He is talking with Mr. Dauzat the founder of the organization.

His Dad owns the organization? So that means he's rich.

Why didn't he tell me? He couldn't tell me that? What's so hard about that?

A small amount of anger builds up in me. I storm off away from the grass and towards the hotel. They are letting people in the fourth floor and down gather their stuff and leave the property. My leader told me to meet by the charter buses that will take us to our next destination closer to the site where our trip is really about.

I grab all my stuff and neatly repack it all. I double check the room and inspect any areas I might have forgot something. I walk out of the room and down the stairs. I walk outside and bump into Dylan as I head towards the bus.

"Watch it l-" Dylan yells before turning and seeing it's me.

"Oh sorry." He has a harsh tone in his voice.

"What's your last name?" I blurt out, irritated. He freezes a moment and just stares at me.

"Why didn't you tell me your dad is Mr. Dauzat?" I lower my voice. He stares at me, emotionless.

"Hello." I snap my finger in front of his face, getting more annoyed.

"I don't have give you a background check on my life." He rudely comments.

"Alright then." I show past him. He grunts but doesn't say anything else. I rush over to the buses and thankfully Dylan doesn't follow me. I put my stuff in the bus storage and go into the bus to find a seat. I find an empty one and sit down, plugging in my earbuds at the same time.

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