Chapter 1 - El Encuentro

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[My POV.]
It seemed like it was going to be another uneventful day as I drove to work. I liked to leave early to avoid the morning traffic but today it looked a little busier than usual. I was at a red light when my car suddenly stopped. ~Ah, fuck!~ I turned on my hazard lights and took the key out. I popped open the hood and got out to check what was wrong. I waved at the cars behind me to go around before I walked over to the hood. I propped it open and waved off the smoke that was coming out. ~Great, just my luck.~ I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to avoid a mental breakdown. I suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice call out to me.

Stranger: "¿Estás bien?"

I opened my eyes and turned to look at the stranger. ~Oh, he's cute.~ I awkwardly smiled and nodded.

Me: "Yeah, I'm okay but my car..."

Stranger: "Ya veo. Is it okay if I help you?"

Me: "Do you know anything about cars?"

Stranger: "{laugh}I know a little."

He smiled cutely and turned towards my car. He checked on a few things before standing up straight as he wiped his hands.

Stranger: "Do you mind taking a ride with me?"

I looked up at him, confused as I wasn't sure what he meant.

Stranger: "I can fix your car at my shop. But if you -"

Me: "Oh, yeah. Sorry, I don't mind."

He smiled at me again as I was suddenly feeling shy by the strange feeling he gave me. It wasn't a bad feeling but I just had never felt it before. It wasn't butterflies, it was familiarity but I didn't recognize him at all.

Stranger: "I'll bring my truck over. Just give me a sec."

I nodded and watched him walk to his truck that was parked behind my car. He brought it over and hooked up my car to his truck. He wiped his hands and motioned for me to follow him. He opened the passenger door for me and I thanked him as I climbed up. I buckled myself in as he ran around and got in the driver's seat. He buckled up and started driving as he started talking to me.

Stranger: "My shop isn't too far from here, but where were you headed?"

I suddenly remembered I hadn't notified my manager and grabbed my phone as he laughed subtly. ~Ah, should I wait to be able to send a picture as proof?~ I was debating whether or not to call yet when he spoke again.

Stranger: "Were you going to work? Or... Were you on your way to meet someone?"

I finally snapped out of it and turned to face him.

Me: "Oh, I was going to work. I just wasn't sure if I should call my boss now or at your shop to be able to send a picture as proof."

The stranger smiled and nodded to himself.

Stranger: "Have you ever called in for no important reason?"

Me: "No, I don't think I've ever called in at this job. It's still fairly new."

Stranger: "What did you do before?"

Me: "I worked at a cell phone store."

Stranger: "¿Y ahora?"

Me: "At an accounting firm."

Stranger: "Wow... Beautiful and smart."

I felt my face get hot and quickly looked out the window to avoid him noticing me blushing. ~Why am I blushing?!~ I heard him chuckle softly before clearing his throat.

Un Encuentro CasualWhere stories live. Discover now