Chapter 17 - El Veredicto

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[My POV.]
Even though I had successfully overtaken Towers Construction, my plan wasn't done yet. I was feeling numb as we left. I wanted everyone convicted for their role in hurting my family. They took away Aurelia's chance to be a mother, they took away Mariela's chance at a future, and they took both away from me. After the police investigated and confirmed the evidence, the trials were set. Despite Isaura having expensive lawyers, they were unable to get the evidence and case dismissed against her. Fernando had been given proper treatment and was willing to testify against her. He felt guilty for his role in hurting not only me and my family but his wife as well. Laura forgave him and would also testify against Isaura for her abuse toward her, giving weight to the claim that she was always a violent person. Maria had tried to turn herself in but wasn't going to be prosecuted as an accessory since she provided the evidence and would also testify against Isaura and Martin. Sebastián was able to convince the police that he attacked Isaura in self-defense claiming she had been making threats that we couldn't hear and that's why he said he did it alone. The trial began and Isaura was having a hard time keeping quiet. She kept trying to argue after every testimony. After Sebastián testified, Isaura tried jumping over the table and had to be restrained. The judge was understandably annoyed and yelled that she would be held for contempt of court if she didn't stop. Luckily, they said Yadiel and I didn't have to testify with all the evidence presented but we could still be called by Isaura's lawyer. I didn't know if I had any energy left to testify but we were never notified we had to. Yadiel and I went to every court hearing while the others were at work awaiting updates on how it went. After several hearings, the verdict was finally going to be read.

Judge: "On the counts of breaking and entering, criminal mischief, deadly conduct, attempted homicide, and second-degree murder, how does the jury find?"

Foreperson: "On the count of breaking and entering, we find the defendant - guilty."

Isaura clenched her fists but kept quiet.

Foreperson: "On the count of criminal mischief, we find the defendant - guilty."

Isaura started to fidget but still kept quiet.

Foreperson: "On the count of deadly conduct, we find the defendant - not guilty."

Isaura loosened up and I could see a smirk spread across her face. There were quiet murmurs around us but the judge quieted them down. ~It's okay, this was Sebastián's lie... We have yet to see about her attempt against Yadiel and Mariela's death.~ I felt Yadiel grab my hand and I took a deep breath as the Foreperson cleared their throat to continue.

Foreperson: "On the count of attempted homicide, we find the defendant - guilty."

I sighed in relief as I clenched Yadiel's hand. Isaura glared at the jury as her lawyer patted her shoulder.

Foreperson: "On the count of second-degree murder, we find the defendant - guilty."

I burst into tears as Yadiel hugged me. Isaura went berserk and the judge asked the bailiff to take her away. The courtroom turned chaotic as Isaura kept fighting everyone off. The judge angrily tried to establish order but everything was happening at once. I felt Yadiel stand up. I stood up as he led me away from our seats. Suddenly, we heard gunfire. Everyone was yelling and running out causing me to get pushed out of Yadiel's grasp. I fell against the bench but quickly stood up to find Yadiel when more shots rang out. Someone grabbed me and embraced me as we descended to the ground. Finally, the shots stopped and we heard the door close then everything was deathly silent. I tried to push the person off, thinking it was maybe a stranger. But my fingers touched something wet and I quickly pushed them off to find the wound. But as soon as I saw his face, I froze.

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