Stop overworking 💙❤

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Third person POV

Dice was working in the casino. Keeping Wheezy and Chips from having a brawl, Dealing with drunkies, And slightly over working when it came to paper work. You could say the six sided man was running in an endless loop of 'help a customer, separate W and C, and god get these dumbasses out of my Casino'. The Devil? He's got his own issues. Constant paperwork, random people in and out of his office all day long, and god forbid he get a smoke break without someone bursting in to complain about their 'loved one/friend/family member going missing'. Dice is about to pass out and the Devil is about to kick every last bitch out for the night INCLUDING the employees.

" many different things to fucking" Dice said overly (yet completely reasonably) dramatic. Mangosteen looks at Dice with sympathy. "Maybe I could get you some bourbon? Whiskey? Rum?" The 8-ball said smiling at the die. Dice nodded. "Bottle of rum please M." Dice said laying his head down on the countertop holding his hands over his cubed head wimply. Then a bottle slid toward him. Mangosteen once again smiled sweetly at the extremely exhausted man in front of him. Dice took a swig, it burned in his throat but felt so good either way. Wheezy walks over to Dice rubbing his back. "maybe you should take the rest of the night off KD? You're working yourself so much I'm afraid your head might chip." Wheezy said signaling Mangosteen to give him some bourbon by pointing to it. Dice takes another swig, still burns. "I can't just leave the casino. Who's gonna watch you and Chip. I've only got 3 hours until the casino closes I'll hold up." Dice says looking at Chips who's managing the poker table. Mangosteen nods and Wheezy stops rubbing Dice's back. "Welp I tried. But if you wanna work. You wanna work and that's that." Wheezy said walking away from the counter/bar with a now empty bottle of bourbon. A patron comes up to the bar and Mango leaves to serve them. Leaving Dice alone, with his thoughts and a bottle of rum that is still burning his throat.

All of a sudden someone plops next to Dice. He's the big black fur-ball Dice calls his boss (and boyfriend when their alone). "Hey Dicey. Why don't we close up. I'm tired and I wanna cuddle with my favourite die.~" The Devil says sweetly and caringly. Dice thought for a moment. Cuddles sound nice but its only a few hours. "Its your Casino you decide Dev." Dice said almost coldly as he spins around in the barstool and goes off to do some bets.

Devil POV

What's got him all wound up...? I think to myself as I grab liquor from the cabinet. I'm gonna close up. He's tired I can tell. Its busy...too busy, everyone is tired not just us. "Hey bossman!~" Mangosteen says walking (floating???) Toward me. I simply half-waved at him chugging the liquor. Mango looks at me, nods then walks off. Ok. Now I should. I teleport to the front of the casino at the door flipping the close sign then speak on the speakers we have around. "All right everyone. Its been a great night, a very busy night. We're closing a few hours early due to personal reasons. So please make your way out!" I said as patrons groaned and drunks got up off their ass and soon everyone was gone. Except the staff of course. Everyone is at the bar and the Tipsy Troop is behind the counter. I walk up to the stool Dice is sitting on still drinking the rum from earlier. I simply lay my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms a tail around his waist. "Yes Dev?" He says using my pet name around the staff. I pick him up. "Its time for sleep Dicey~." I purr in his ear. He grabs my neck "fine but hurry up I'm tired af." Dice says simply as I wave to the staff members as they wave back shoving their bosses' love to the side, all aside from Piroletta. She's giving me a hateful look, but I shrug it off takin' my Dicey to our room.

Eventually we get to my room and I plop him down on the bed. He turns over toward out T.V and grabs the remote turning on a movie. Its a sit-com Dice's favourite genre. I lay down and cuddle up to him, my arms around his waist and stomach while my tail wonders around his body. Then Dice starts playing with it. Twirling it around his fingers and occasionally tapping the tip. I make slight noises. Its not my fault! My tails sensitive! "Dice! Will you cut that out!" I spat the last bit making Dice shiver and let go over my tail. I hold him tighter. "sorry Lucy I forgot." Dice says using my most hated Nickname. It based off my Angel name Lucifer. He knows I hate it. He only uses it to tease me. "Teasers get punished Dicey~" I said now teasing him. He shivers again this time arching his hips toward me. He mutters something to himself. I purr, snuggling into his shoulder. I'll do something just hold on

Devil x Dice oneshots (lots of smut and fluff)Where stories live. Discover now