An odd night just for us ❤💙

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(I fell asleep while writing so this is a tad bit late my apologies)

Dice stared at the Devil that was across from him who happened to be giving him a blank stare, a sound however could be heard from him; purring. "Hey...Devil you wanna explain why you're uh- Starin' at me?" Devil just crawled up onto the bed that Dice was laying in. The poor die had gotten woken up from a very unhappy dream to the sound of Devil slamming the door in a certain cigar's face. "Devil??" Dice seemingly asked no one as Devil put a hand over Dice's mouth. Wait a minute when the fuck did he get so close?? Doesn't matter because now Devil was straddling Dice's lap. Dice looked up at him with the most confused expression Devil had ever seen on him (probably anyway, the face he made when Devil told the die he loved him years ago was probably more confused than this one but they were most likely in a close tie.)

Devil leaned down and kissed Dice sweetly, almost sickeningly so. Before Dice could react Devil's tongue was slipping into the kiss, though it just laid there soft and sweet on Dice's. "-Mm??" Dice made a sound, he wasn't entirely sure what maybe a sound of confusion, maybe a sound of lust. He didn't know it couldn't be placed. Dice broke the kiss and tilted his head at the demon. "Lucifer, my love, what is going on?" Devil made a small hum before cupping Dice's cheeks. Dice rarely used Devil's name (his true name anyway) so he was a bit surprised that didn't get a reaction out of his demon lover.

Devil kissed Dice's nose softly, then his forehead, and then his cheek. The affection was sweet and soft and Dice loved it but he was still concerned by the silence of his lover. That was until he saw the pure smile on his husband's face..and the small blood filled tears that fell from his eyes. "I'm so lucky to have you...~" Devil finally mumbled out a sentence and of course the first one he speaks makes Dice's heart melt. Dice cups Satan's cheeks and wipes his tears away with a soft smile. "As am I my dear. But why so emotional hm? Did you really miss me that much the couple of hours you were at a meeting?" Dice kissed Devil's nose. Devil nodded before stealing Dice's lips again, soft and sweet just as before. If Dice was truthful with himself he'd say he's confused by all the attention and affection. Devil may love him but he's only done things such as this a few times in the years they've spent together.

Devil broke the kiss and let his hands slip down off of Dice's cheeks, to Dice's sides, and eventually landing on his stilled hips. Devil leaned his forehead against Dice's. "Would you mind if this affection lead to something else?" Dice tilted his head before shaking it, "When do I ever mind my dear?" Devil smiled sweetly before kissing Dice again, his tail started wagging behind him like a puppy who just received a new toy. Devil's clawed thumbs hooked on Dice's waistband and Dice imediately bucked his hips into Devil's hands.

It wasn't too long before Dice was undressed under Devil. Devil's fur had moved to make way for his throbbing hard-on. Devil never really understood how it worked but he never really asked because it didn't bother him that much. There was a lot about Devil he didn't understand, his magic, his body, and how one second he could be hateful and crude but turn around and be sweet and gentle the next. But it wasn't that big of a deal, Devil's body worked the way it worked and Dice's worked the way it worked. That's just how it was. That's how they were.

Devil lined up with Dice and laid kisses at his collarbone softly. "Ngh- come on Dev, you know what we both want. Why are you taking your time..?" Dice said through slight panting breaths, afterall all of the sensitive spots that were supposed to be in his neck were in his collar instead. "I want to savour you. I need to savour you...~" Devil said simply as if that didn't destroy Dice's heart. Dice nodded slowly and let his eyes drift close, he let his body relax for what seemed like the first time that day. He may have been asleep moments before but he was more relaxed and safe because a certain demon was in here with him.

Devil leaned up a bit and kissed Dice softly and connected their hips, a slight bit of a tease considering his cock pressed a slight bit into Dice's ass. Dice let out the slightest whimper into the kiss as Devil rocked his hips once or twice into the die. Lucifer broke the kiss and kissed all over Dice's face instead, earning a few soft giggles from his lover. "I still don't understand why you're so sweet tonight Devy.~" Dice said with a soft yet curious smile. Devil just shrugged in response and continued to spoil his die in sweet gentle and loving kisses.

A few minutes of shared and loving kisses ended up with Dice getting impatient, he was adoring all of the attention. All of the love. But for the love of all things satanic he needed the dumbass demon to fuck him. "Are you done savourin' me yet?" His words were laced with anticipation. Devil thought for a moment then nodded. The demon lined his cock up to Dice's entrance and kissed the die as he slipped in softly making the die whimper only slightly into the kiss.

Wasn't too long before Devil had them going at a steady pace, not too fast but definitely not too slow, Dice had his hands gripping Devil's fur (which always seemed to get to the demon). Dice was panting. Letting whines slip every so often but that was fine, Devil loved every noise his die made. Devil sped up a bit making Dice's breathing hitch for a few moments as he adjusted. As Devil continued thrusting in and out of the die's ass he spoiled his collar, chest, and cheeks with kisses, constantly going up and down his body with his lips. Collar to the cheeks, back to the collar, to the chest, and back to the collar. Simply repeating those motions had Dice an even bigger panting mess than before. Devil sped up once more and heard his die's breath hitch again then fade into a soft whine. If Devil didn't know any better he'd say the die was still wanting and waiting for more.

So, Devil gave it to him. Devil sped up to a rushed pace, pounding into the die immediately making him mewl and keen for a few moments. "D-devil!~"

That's when Devil kissed the die again, drool immediately seeping down Dice's chin. Devil's tongue exploring every inch and his teeth nipping at Dice's bottom lip every so often. Devil must not have realized how close Dice actually was because the die bucked his hips with a loud keen into the kiss, his release sticking to Devil's fur. Devil, a bit taken aback, gripped Dice's hips a bit harder. Devil continued pounding into the die for what felt like too long before he released onto the poor die's stomach.
After the Demon and Die fixed themselves and dressed for bed (At least Dice anyway) they snuggled up in bed. "Remind me to be gentle more often, seemed to really make you happy.~" Devil said as he placed a soft kiss to the Die's cheek. Dice just chuckled sleepily in response. Devil kissed Dice for a moment softly. After he broke it he pulled Dice in closer somehow. "If you're so tired my love go back to sleep. I'm sure I'll in nothing but a few moments." And they did just that, Dice passed out in Devil's arms and Devil followed suit.

1346 words. <3

Hey guys! So I know I was gone for a while and I give you my apologies. But! I have a question for you all! Are any of you into different ships because I'd love to write more oneshot stories like these. I'm a big fan of Steddie (Stranger Things) and Geralt x Jaskier (The Witcher) at the moment and I'd love to write something about either. I could also try some spideypool oneshots if any of you are interested!

Thanks for reading my beauties have a wonderful day/night!!~

Devil x Dice oneshots (lots of smut and fluff)Where stories live. Discover now