Au type thing 💜💙

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Tws!Violence,guns,and mentions of abuse

(In which Dice ignores his body and falls gravley I'll)

3rd person;

Dice hadn't been the best at keeping himself healthy, he was a workaholic after all and to him work came first, this was no excuse to ignore his possibly deadly disease.

It was a disease called Hell lung. It would only effect immortals that used to be human and had stayed in hell for at least five years, it could last up to 2 weeks but normally ended after one. If not treated correctly one could loose their immortality; no matter who it was given by, then they could in fact die.

Dice was in fact no exception he had felt weaker then normal and his body had the tendency to shut down while he was working. Devil wondered how he didn't see the signs before it was almost too late

Dice had just gotten off, he closed up the casino then wondered up the stairs before calapsing, "s-shit!" He said in a whisper as he caught himself by his hands. Before he could do it himself he was off of the ground being carried to the bedroom. "Hey Devy." He said softly leaning into the others fur. "I will not be taking any explanations from you. I already know what's happening and I'm upset you didn't tell me." Devil said opening the bedroom door.

Dice looked at Devil confused. What was going on? Had he done something wrong? He had thought he just had a cold or something, he didn't have a fever so he thought it was fine.
Devil sighed as he laid Dice on the bed. "Do you know what could happen if you let this get any worse?" Devil said sitting next to the die looking down at the mattress.
Dice shook his head very fucking confused.

"You could die Kingsley." Devil said as his ears seemed to fall. Dice stared confused. "The hell are you talking about Devil?" He said putting a hand on the Demons shoulder. "Do you not know what's going on? You have Hell Lung Kingsley." Devil said pulling Dice close. Dice's expression went to fear. "W-what?" That was all he could mutter out. He knew he was sick but that bad? Hell no.

"You'll be fine. We've got 24 hours before you turn mortal that's plenty of time to get you taken care of. It can't effect me so I'll be staying with you 24/7." Devil said getting up and grabbing some medicine he bought only a few hours ago. "This will take down the pain." Devil said sitting it on the night stand then sitting in front of Dice. "Pain? The hell do you mean pain?!" Dice said looking at Devil fearfully. Devil sighed softly his eyes tearing up a bit. "Youre going to turn mortal in 24 hours and I have a week after that to fix it okay? In return of you turning mortal you...Are going to experience how you died again, but in reverse." Devil said putting his arms at Dice's thighs. "You mean I'm gonna feel that damn bullet going in and then getting ripped out again!?" Dice said now looking terrified. Devil simply nodded.

Dice's body started to ache. His back became heavy and his lungs small, Devil laid handed him some water. "You have to stay hydrated." He said laying down next to him. Dice nodded swallowing in slowly. His throat was starting to get sore and a headache was coming as well. "You sure it was exactly 24 hours?" Dice said setting the empty cup down, Devil shook his head "I estimated."

Dice frown and laid down again as he spooned Devil. Devils tail wrapped around him and Dice's breath turned shallow and soft. He had fallen asleep. Now it was time for Devil's stupid head to think far too much into the night. He was gonna have a hell of a time falling asleep.

Not too long after Devil's thoughts started to calm Dice stirred on the bed. His eyes glowed up as his face stretched to discomfort. Devil had seen it before when the die was having a nightmare but that wasn't it. Dice was in pain. Tears started to fill his eyes and flow as Devil hurried and grabbed some medicine. "Kingsley? Hey. Mon amour, wake up please..." Devil said shaking the die softly with his tail. Dice grumbled as he woke up, his grumble turned into a gasp as he jolted up in far too much pain to bare.
The tears still flouded from his eyes this time their was whimpering comeing along with them though. Devil pulled Dice close. "Hey, you're gonna be okay alright? It's almost over just give it maybe 30 minutes." He handed the die the medicine as well as another cup of water. "30 god damned minutes of this?" Dice asked as he drank the water and plopped both pills in his mouth swallowing.

Devil chuckled softly bring the die into his arms and spooning him in his lap. Dice's breath hitched as his head throbbed. He didn't wanna speak at the fear it would hurt. Devil held him closer putting the dies face in his chest. "Shh, it'll be over soon I promise."

Dice let out a scream as the feeling actually started to cave in.

Flashbacks am I right?

Kingsley had just left the house after a horrible fight with his abusive father, he had bruises, blood soaked his clothes, and he couldn't see out of one of his eyes, was that because it was too swollen or had the die gone blind? He didn't know.

He walked down the road feeling eyes all over him but everytime he looked around they would dissapear. Before Kingsley could reach a small bar he knew of it started to rain, which soon became thunder and lightning.

"Fucking awesome. Just one more thing to ruin tonight." He said with a frown and a bit of sarcasm. The eyes came back as he went into a shallow ally way where no rain would hit him. Was that all he needed to worry about though? I mean what if he had went inside that tacky shop right by him instead, what if he had just stayed home? Well he probably would have died with two of those answers. "I'll just stay until the storm dies then go to the bar." He proclaimed sitting down on the cold ground.

It was then that the eyes gained a body. No face just and arm that stretched out from the ceiling. King could feel something was wrong but he had all night so he shoved the dreaded feeling away. That's when he heard a gun cock and shoot toward him. It hit the wall. He jumped up from his spot looking around frantically before trying to run out of the ally. Key word try. He was grabbed from behind and shoved into the wall by a man so much taller then him.

"Looks like you should have stayed home. Poor little die, such a shame someone is giving me this much to kill ya, or I'd keep you for myself." Those were the last words he heard before he was shot in the stomach to bleed out slowly and painfully.

End of flashback.

Dice could only hear ringing, not his breathing nor Devil's. He was screaming, Devil was trying so hard to get him to look at him but it wasn't working the die had his eyes tightly shut and his arms leaching on to his stomach. Dice screams turned into pleads of help he couldn't do much else. Then when things were already bad, the second process had started, the bullet was being ripped out of him as well as everything else that had happened that night. The pain repeated before in reversed, the screams of his young self echoed in his head along with the new ones he could help but let out. This pain was worse much worse. The medicine did nothing, he knew Devil was trying but nothing was working.

Minutes turned to hours and hours turned to the morning and Dice was walking up in agony mixed with a puffy face that had cried all night. Devil was laying next to him. He was asleep and had seemed to cry as well.
Devil moved on the bed pulling Dice closer as he whimpered due to the still shadowed pain. Devil opened his eyes slowly before getting up and grabbing the die. "Dice? Are you okay? Please tell me your okay!" Devil said hugging Dice softly, his breathing was fast and his ears were down all the way. Dice nodded softly, his throat was soar from all the screaming he had succumbed to. Devil pulled away slightly from the hug to look at the die. "I'll take your word for it love. But, for the love of all things unholy, tell me when you don't feel good okay!?" Devil said cupping Dice's cheeks

Dice chuckled softly before coughing. "Okay Devy. "

1517 words darling hope you enjoyed my angst

Ily all sm

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