this is gonna hurt 💜(💙?)

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Tws! Self harm, abuse, trauma, just topics that if you are struggling with Depression or hurting yourself I'd recommend you sit this one out.

3rd person.

Dice was alone, for far too long, he didn't mean to it just happened. His hands and upper wrist were bleeding. He knew it was wrong but he couldn't help it.

Dice sighed softly as he wrapped bandages around his hands. No wonder he never took his gloves off. Considering this happened every fucking week. Enough time for them to heal and him to want more pain. Ever since he lost his soul he's had an issue expressing himself. He slowly got up from the bathroom floor and put his gloves back on. The bandages kept it from bleeding through. For now.....

Dice finished putting on his gloves and walked into his bedroom. He shared it with Devil although he was gone for the night due to the weekly meeting in hell. Dice sighed softly as he sat down tears staining his face.

He'd let it get to him again. The words his parents use to speak. The actions they both did. They were horrible human beings no matter what anyone said. Dice liked to pretend he hated them but in reality he just wished they didn't hate him. He wanted his parents to love him that was all he wanted them to care about him like they did his younger brother. It wasn't fair, it would never be fair. They were dead after how was he gonna get their love now. Sure they are in hell but...

Dice always said he hated cigarettes and cigars but, a few years ago the pressure got to be too much and his old high school self resurfaced. Dice walked out to his balcony. He brought a full pack out from his pocket and lit one on a candle that was sitting on the railing. He took a long drag from it and let it flow out of his nose. "God damn it Kingsley." He said to himself before taking another drag.

Dice finished the cig and walked back inside sitting on his bed starting to Zone out before the bedroom door opened. "Stupid fucking Demons..." It was the devil and he seemed to be mumbling something to himself. "Hello my love how was your day?" The devil asked walking into the bathroom starting the shower. "It was fine Dev." Dice lied placing a hand on his other. Devil walked out of the bathroom.

"Would you like to take a shower with I smell smoke?" Devil asked forgetting his original question. "I um..." Dice mumbled not sure what to say. Devil looked down at him before picking him up. "Let's go take a shower Mon amour." Devil said sighing. Dice started to panic "I already had one! I don't need another it's fine besides I'm really tired." Dice said freeing himself from Devil's arms. Devil look confused. "You don't wanna take a shower with me? Since when. I asked you to take one with me an hour after you did one time and you said yes without question. What's going on Kingsley?" Devil said cupping the Die's cheeks.

Dice nodded softly and then sighed. "I'm just really tired Devy." Dice said walking past him to the bed and laying down. Devil started to think to himself before interrupting the gut wrenching silence. "Dice. I need you to do me a favour." Devil said looking back at him. Dice made a small humming sound to signal Devil to speak.

"Show me your wrists." Devil said blankly. Dice's breathing immediately started to speed up and his heart landed in his abdomen. "I..." Dice said softly before sitting up. Tears started to swell in his eyes as Devil walked towards the bed. Devil reached for Dice's gloves and Dice just let him. He didn't know why but he wanted Devil to see. he wanted Devil to know. he wanted Devil to care? He wasn't sure. But besides that Devil was scared he was hoping his lover hadn't done it again. He had found out once but never saw it again so he didn't say anything. Devil started to take one of Dice's gloves off. He could already see the bandages.

Dice's eyes started to spill. He couldn't hold in the emotions anymore. Years of bottled up emotions started spilling from him. Devil took the first glove off and started taking the second one off. Dice hadn't realized until now that Devil was crying too. Devil took the other one off and just held his hands. "Can I take the bandages off as well?" Devil asked looking into his Lover's watery eyes. Dice just nodded softly as his eyes continued to spill on his face. Devil started to unwrap the first one immediatly seeing blood staining it. Devil's breathe turned shaky as he got the bandages all the way off and started at the other one.

Once both were off Devil just held Dice's hands. "Are you mad at me?" Dice asked sincerely. Devil shook his head no before Dice felt something warm on his hands. Warms and powerful? Was Devil healing him? The scars started to fade. "Of course I'm not mad. I understand why you would do this Dice but please stop. It's... Not worth it okay?" Devil said getting quieter as he continued. Dice nodded softly taking his hands away. Devil grabbed them back. "I'm not done." Devil made Dice cup his cheeks and held his hands on his cheeks. "Devil?" "Yes?" "I'm sorry..." "Don't lie dice. I know you're not, and you're not going to be just tell me the next time you feel yourself about to break. Okay?" "You weren't home..." "Then call me." "Okay..."

Devil let go of dice but his hands still stated. Devil picked up Dice and started walking to the bathroom.

"C'mon. Let's clean up."

Devil x Dice oneshots (lots of smut and fluff)Where stories live. Discover now