Horny Demon ;-;' ❤💙

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(Idk how to be more 'straight' forward about the title.)

3rd person because it's my favourite
Also you didn't think you were getting pt2 right away did you?

Dice woke up to the smell of pancakes. His husband must had woken before him. Yep husband, of 5 years, almost 6 their anniversary is in a week. Dice rubbed his eyes hardly waking up but the hunger he had kept overnight overpowered that. Then he noticed rose petals on the ground that led to the bathroom. Dice chuckled as he saw red string coming out of the bathroom as well leading to their bedroom door and out. Dice face was covered in blush but he figured he'd play along in this game. "Did you run out of roses?" Dice asked the room as he got up and stretched on the bed. He really wanted those pancakes and what smelt like coffee but he knew he wasn't gonna get any until he did whatever the Demon wanted him to. So Dice got up and followed the path to the bathroom. He opened the door and a bucket of petals fluttered down onto his body while there was also something else, it was a full rose made to clip onto a suit or dress, and that's just what Dice found laying on the sink, a purple suit with a black undercoat. Dice chuckled again. "So this is what you were saving up for?" Dice said to the room again as the memories of a flustered Devil telling him he had something planned for their anniversary.

Dice put the suit on, clipped the rose near his shoulder, did his makeup, and walked out of the bathroom noticing a note by the red string that said pull me. So Dice did what it said and it made him moved toward where it was going. Ok so you want me to follow the string to? I mean I thought so. Dice followed the string toward the other employee's rooms and two strings led to Wheezy's and one to Mangosteen's, Dice went into the 8-ball's room first. "Hey Mango?-" Dice was interrupted when more flowers fluttered down as well as a note.

"Keep going dear~"
Was what it read, and Dice chuckled. His stomach growled as Dice walked out of the room realizing that no one was in there. Wheezy's room was next he opened the door expecting flowers but got nothing but a note instead.
"I'm out of roses. Sorry Love"
Dice walked out of Wheezy's room and walked toward the stairs, the string led to the kitchen. Finally!
Dice followed the string to a plate of chocolate chip pancakes that were thankfully still warm due to hell fire the Devil had obviously caused. As soon as Dice sat down to eat them the fire turned off. Dice ate the pancakes faster then he meant to, he was hungry as hell no pun intended. Dice finished the pancakes and drank his coffee. Then followed the string again to a closet in the actual casino Dice could only remember dirty memories in during random night shifts. He opened the closet door and saw a chocolate bar laying on a chair as well as another note;
"Its a Hershey bar! You favourite Dicey~" Dice read as he bit into the bar of goodness, he left the closet and bumped into something. "Hey Dicey.~" The Demon said looking slightly down at the die. Dice took another bite of the chocolate and made a chocolate filled hello. Devil chuckled and scooped up the die, holding him bridal style, and smiling. "That suit looks beautiful on you baby.~" Devil said kissing the die's cheek, "Thank you Devy. Where is everyone?" Dice asked looking around the Casino in the Devil's arms. Devil chuckled, "I let them all take a day off, the Casino is closed, we get a whole day to ourselves!~" Devil said smiling. "Why not on our anniversary?" Dice asked confused. Devil shrugged, "I have to have the casino open that day so we get it a week earlier Darling, not saying we won't celebrate after it closes but this was my plan and I wanted it to be perfect for you!" Devil answered slightly rambling. Dice chuckled, "that's alright with me Dear." Dice said as Devil began to carry him upstairs. "Where are we going?" Dice asked as the Devil shrugged and brought them to the larger main bathroom which had a larger bathtub unlike the ones that were in each person's room. "Devil?" Dice said as Devil put him down in front of a rosebath,, "I made a bath for you." Devil said unclipping the rose on Dice's suit as Dice took off the top of it. Dice couldn't help but blush as Devil took off the dress shirt. "Thanks Devy.~" Dice said taking off the rest of his clothes. Devil grinned and kissed the Die. "Mm.~" Dice moaned into it as Devil picked him up again placing them both in the bath not letting go.

Devil x Dice oneshots (lots of smut and fluff)Where stories live. Discover now