God damnit Devil 💜

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I wanna try another spin at the whole "lacky" situation so um fair warning you may cry idfk. Also I'm in a good mood today because compliments from strangers are nice so I may make fluff after this.

3rd person

Dice woke up from a horrible night's rest, it was one of the first he'd spent without the Devil. Devil's been busy of course considering that Cup 1 and 2 had almost finished gathering up all of the contracts. Both of them were probably in one of his Die houses but Dice was too worried about the uncomfortable situation he'd been in with his lover for the past day and a half. The boys were only given two days to finish and the were plowing through the idiot debtors. It's like they couldn't die. Like they could just reset the clock before a battle. Like they knew your next move . . .

"Oh my Satan." Dice muttered as realization hit him hard. Those damn potions Kettle gave them. Dice ran to his closet and put on his usual attire. He made a hole in the floor and just before he could go through Devil came in the door. He looked angry almost sad as well. "Where are you going?" Devil said walking toward him.  "I need to make sure they got all the contracts." Dice said watching his movements. Devil nodded then wrapped his tail around the die's waist pulling him closer, Devil hugged him burying his face in his shoulder. Dice smiled. "Damn, and I thought you were mad at me Darling. . . . You okay?" Dice said as his smile fell more concerned.

(Excuse me if I'm messing up with words. My sister broke my glasses and I cant read for shit.)

Devil mumbled into the Die's shoulder and Dice chuckled. "We don't have to worry about those excuses for tableware, I won't even let them get to your office." Dice said as he made the Demon look at him. Devil smiled but it soon faded. They both let go and Dice finally went through the portal.
Dice was soon making eye contact with two brothers one impatient and upset the other being almost the exact opposite. He took the contracts checked them over then sent the boys on their way. He soon teleported back to the casino. He hadn't even realized what time it was and before he got the chance Devil was walking into their shared bedroom. Devil sat down he hadn't even made eye contact with the die.

"Are you okay Darling?" Dice said awkwardly fiddling his thumbs. It was always awkward when Devil was in a mood like this. Devil got back up from a chair and laid down on their bed turned away from the die. Dice nodded to himself before laying down next to him. Both of their backs were faced away from each other.

In the morning Dice woke up to an empty bed and walked out of the bedroom to find a quiet casino and staircase. Wheezy walked up and explained that the brothers were on their way and the employees were bracing for the boys to be their any second. Dice nodded and got dressed then proceeded to dash downstairs as he heard the casino's doors open. Dice looked up to see the boys staring at him. Both of them seemed bruised and both look exhausted. "You ain't seeing the boss just yet boys, we're gonna play one more game first." Was the last thing Dice said before they begain to battle.

Dice woke up cold, his head had surely chipped, and his suit was covered in blood. Then he realized what happened. The boys had beat him, they made it to his lover's office. "Shit!" Dice said stumbling trying to get up. He made it to the door as he heard words fall like knifes from a man he loved. "Well, well, well, look how far you've come, not only did you bust up my good for nothing lackey Dice, but I see you have my contracts, so why don't you hand them over?" The Devil said almost spitting Dice's name. Dice didn't know how to respond. Those were the only words he heard the Devil speak since yesterday. Before Dice realized it he was opening the Devil's office door while tears flowed from his now glowing emerald eyes.

"Good for nothing, Lucifer? What the hell." Dice spat walking toward his lover. "Dice? I thought you were passed out in the lobby?" Devil said looking past the red and blue pair. "I was, but then I got worried about your dumbass! I got up from my painful state to check on the only reason I'm hurt right now." Dice said now in front of the Devil. Devil's face was expressionless and Dice's was the exact opposite. "Dice I-" Devil tried to say before he was interrupted by a punch in the face before the man that threw it turned on his heel and walked out, but at the door he made one final comment. "Have fun boys, make it hurt for me, okay?" Dice said lavender tears streaming again.

(This one wasn't as long but I'm bored and wanna write something else.)

Devil x Dice oneshots (lots of smut and fluff)Where stories live. Discover now