Something bads about to happen to me 💜

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In which Dice is a detective on the case of a certain missing Demon

3rd Person
Dice stared at the blood covered wall. He knew something was wrong. It looked like someone had an incident with a bottle of ketchup. But one thing was for certain only some bits of the blood were mortal the other was Demon. Demon blood shines, its a brighter red rather then mortal which only seems dark when it's first shed. Dice looked around at the tables in the casino's bar. They were all over the place. Tipped over, broken, and even blood was infecting the seats. "Damn it Lucifer." Dice said as tears broke through his eyes. He'd known the Devil since he was 20. Drank with him on his 21st. Had multiple sad nights spent crying in his arms. Devil meant so much to him but now no one knew where he was. Dice was a decent detective he'd been doing it for a while and after work Devil always picked him up and brought him to the casino. "Theres too many memories in this place I need to breath." The man said as he walked outside. He started breathing heavily the air of hell filling him. He needed and escape. If he was being honest he just needed to leave hell for a few hours but the worry for his friend overcame that.

Dice walked back into the Casino not caring that tears still flowed from his eyes. He walked toward the Devil's office which he was too emotional to go in before (and probably still was now). The die didn't really expect anything worse from what he had already seen but he was so wrong. The walls were covered in only Demon blood, bottles of moonshine laid everywhere, the radio laid shattered on the ground almost as if it got thrown at someone, desk and chair were both tipped, and the thing that worried Dice most was that what looked like the attachment on Devil's broken horn broke off, that was medically put on him. Then Dice noticed a corner of the room, The Devil and His picture was thrown, not at someone just the wall. Was someone jealous? Did someone think him and the Devil were more the friends? Hell, did some think that Dice was standing in the way of an old relationship, or....the Devil? Dice had it! Someone walked in the casino probably welcome as a guest then made their way to the Devil's office for a nice 'chat'. Who the hell was running the Casino that day!? Maybe they waited til it was closed and hid somewhere? Dice couldn't put all the pieces together but he had a good idea as to what did happen here. Dice walked to the picture. Putting it in his pocket. "Damnit, who the hell would have a problem with him or I?" Dice said out loud then walking out of the room.

Dice called a good friend from the casino who was married to another employee, "Hey Wheezy, do you know who was running the place the day Devil disappeared?" Dice said over the phone as he heard a radio click off, "it was the tipsy troop, what? Oh ya second closet dear." Wheezy answered, "Anybody else?" Dice asked hopeful, "I think Pirouletta but we all know she hates you." Dice sighed, said thank you, and the hung up. He then punched a wall outside of the casino.

( I always forget their names and get them mixed up help ;-;' Rumulus, Ol' Ethan, and Ginette brought to you by google)

After a coffee break and a sip of moonshine he called the tipsy troop. Rum answered, "Hey *hic* Dice! Whatcha need?" Dice sighed, "Wheezy said you, Gin, and Ethan were running the place when Devil disappeared." Dice said as another Hic escaped Rum, "Uh ya, but we didn't see anyone who looked suspicious, just different debtors and drinkers. I was maning the bar you'd have to talk to Gin if you want more info she was maning the door, I was far too busy to notice anyone." Rum said, making Dice nod as if he could see the die. "Thanks Rum." Was the last thing he said before he hung up. Dice sighed for the millionth time that day. He was getting annoyed and his eyes showed that. Dice looked around and then portaled home. He needed to think.

(To be continued haha!)
I'm so evil >:3

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