hehe Sex ❤(slight angst but not rly)

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Btw these might be in it;
Praise kink
Pain kink

3rd person
Dice Hugged a pillow close to him. Memories of his childhood flowing through his mind as pictures and words that seem harmful and make him pity himself. Then the Devil walked into the shared bedroom of the interdemtional creature and Die. "Dice Sweety? Whats wrong?" The Devil says walking to Dice, sitting down on the bed, then wiping his tears. "Just unhappy memories Devy." Dice says letting go of the now tear-soaked pillow. Devil pulled Dice close while Dice composed himself forgetting what happened before his Lover entered the room. "Wanna talk about it Dicey?" The Demon said holding Dice's chin to make him face him. Dice just shook his head no fearing any words would cause him to cry. Devil picked up Dice with the slightly smaller's legs around his waist and arms over his shoulders. Dice laid his head down on his lover's shoulder Devil proceeded to kiss his cheek. Dice moved his head over slightly asking Dev for a kiss in which he responded. The made out for a little while which at this point seemed casual for the two. That doesnt mean it didn't turn them both on though. Dice broke the kiss gasping for breath. "Everytime I see you Dice I swear you get hotter.~" Devil said making Dice's face get hot. Devil waited a minute then engulfed Dice in another Lust filled kiss. Dice made a slight groan into in as Devil moved his hold on Dice from his thighs to his ass. Dice once again broke the kiss. "Um Devy....?" Dice spoke lightly almost at a whisper. "Yes my Love?" Devil said cocking a brow (haha cock). "I can feel your growing length on my cock Dev...." Dice said unapologetically blushing madly. Devil stilled for a second then spoke.
"And? What're you gonna do about it?~" Dice almost choked on air. "D-Dev! Not funny!" Dice said as his pants became tighter. "Wasnt meant to be funny Dicey." Devil said walking to another area of the room putting his hands back on Dice's thighs. Dice groaned in response. Devil pressed Dice against the wall harshly shoving his hidden boner onto Dice's. "S-shit...Devy...." Dice said groaning once more. Devil kissed his collarbone nipping at it hard. "Devy.....~" Dice moaned again while his partner made a low growl into his chest his face now buried in the smaller's chest. Dice was trying to control his 'issue' but the Demon that is currently pressed up against him is making that hard (in more ways then one 😏💅). "D-Devy I...um." Dice said as Devil looked up at the Die. "Don't tell me Mr. King Dice is getting too flustered to talk to his lover?" Devil said as Dice shook his head no vigorously. Devil bit Dice's collarbone hard making the skin break and blood being shed. "Devil!- Fuck! That hurt...." Dice said the Devil just nodded in respond sucking the spot tasting his lover's blood making him even more hungry for his Die. Devil's eyes grew red burning a lustful glare into Dice. "D-Devil? Your eyes...their red??" Dice and Devil have done many 'things' before but Devil's eyes have never glowed red. "Dice?" Devil said his eyes fading to a maroon. "Y-yes?" Dice said shakey. "Color?" Devil said patiently picking Dice up from the Wall he was leaning on holding his ass again. The two had color coded things after Devil went too rough once after a drunk kissed the Die. Green= Keep going. Yellow= slow down a bit. Red=stop.... And purple= Fuck me dumbass. *mumbles* "what?" "P-purple." "Got it.~" Dice always used Purple the most...

°~°Five minutes later°~°

"Fu-! Devil!!~~" Dice said a moaning mess under his lover. "Shhh~ people will hear you Dicey~" Devil said placing his hand softly over Dice's mouth. Dice's legs are strung over Devil's shoulders and their door of course is

Locked DUH.

"You know what? I think you might be the best person I've ever been with.~" Devil said his pace steadily increasing. Dice covered his face in his arms. Devil pushed them off. "Nu-uh I wanna see your pretty face." Devil said in between slight groans and the sexual noises coming from both males lower areas. Devil pounds into Dice all of a sudden making a screaming moan escape his lover's mouth. Dice breaths turn shorter and more gaspy. Devil praises Dice once more making Dice's length twitch. "Your so good at making me come to my knees Dicey~" Dice's mind is fluttered not even remembering why he was crying ten minutes ago. Devil bites Dice's shoulder. "AH-!~ DEVILLLLL~" Dice screams the Demon's name holding his eyes shut tightly. "Shhhhh~" Devil whispers sucking the bruise turning it to a hickey. Dice breaths harshly gripping Satan's fur. "Mmm~" Devil groans leaning into the Die's touch. Devil's thrust turn sloppy and untimed. "I'm getting close....~" both of the males seemingly say at the same time. Hands go everywhere, hands on the Devil, hand on Dice, lips (and others) touching and parting. Devil groans as he spills into Dice the warmth causing Dice to spill on Lucifer chest. Dice's body went limp. "You bitch..." Devil said making the other lift his head to look up.
"How dare you cum after me!"
The Devil said jokingly hitting the Die's shoulder/arm. Dice chuckled. "Try harder next ti-!"
Devil Didn't let Dice finish his words knowing damn well it was gonna piss him off. Dice was picked again this time being carried to the bathroom to take a shower/bath with the furry man.

°~°Ten minutes later°~°

"Comfy?" Devil said smiling at the half asleep sinner laying atop him. They took a shower and are now laying on their bed. (Sheets change ofc) Dice simply nodded and dozed off. "Goodnight my King I love you with all my heart." Devil said passing out under the Die falling more in love as the seconds passed by.

1006 words <3
This shit is hot

Devil x Dice oneshots (lots of smut and fluff)Where stories live. Discover now