Chapter 6: Heroes Debut

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2 days later, Ryukyu Agency

Izuku stood outside of the building while still in his normal form, as Izuku Shimura. This was ok since when he made the call as Hiashi, he told Ryukyu that he was in America and that one of his top employees, Izuku Shimura, would be doing the deal with her agency. So that meant that she at least knew of him being expected.

He wore his normal bartender getup with a green tie and some black shoes. He had his hair wild though, so he looked a tad bit unusual.

Walking up to the front door and into the lobby, Izuku immediately noticed the choice of design for Ryukyu's agency. It was slightly traditional with a red floor as an interior. Izuku quite liked it.

Making his way up the elevator to the top floor, he made his way to the office where he knew Ryukyu was in, though he could sense someone else in that room. He opened the door and was met with Ryukyu, in her hero costume which was a red and yellow marked dress, with white sleeves that weren't connected, and black boots. She had yellow hair and white claws over her right eye and had yellow eyes, behind her head was what appeared to be black wings.

Though the other person had was in the room was a periwinkle blue long hair that went down to her knees. She was wearing a tight fitting sea foam green, dark blue, and pale mint body suit, with fitting knee high pale green boots with a turquoise spiral around the ankles, with yellow gloves and sea foam green gauntlets. She also had horns on top of her head.

The 2 quickly turned to him which reminded him to introduce himself. "Hello there, my name is Izuku Shimura. I'm here on behalf of Hiashi Yamafuka for a business deal. It's nice to meet you both." He said as he bowed to show respect.

Ryukyu bowed as well with the mystery girl before sitting down in her couch with the girl while Izuku sat across from them in a chair. "So then, allow me to set my requirements for this deal. Absolutely nothing inappropriate for me or any of my employees to do, we will not do any photo shoots, and we will not do anything that is something we don't agree with. Are these conditions ok with you?" She asked as she slightly glared at him.

"That is perfectly acceptable, as the boss doesn't have even the slightest interest in those things, as he views them as beneath him. That and he also wishes to become a major partner with this agency, so he'd care about keeping you in his good graces, which means nothing uncomfortable. For the most part, he only wants you to promote some products of a food chain he owns and to maybe help his start a few early businesses in Japan. Does that sound ok with you? If it goes against something your employees want, then they don't have to do it either." Izuku said and asked.

"That is understandable, I'll sign the contract if you have it." Ryukyu said as Izuku nodded before he opened a portal which caused her to sweat slightly. Though the other person in the room was looking at the portal with amazement. After Izuku reached his hand inside the portal, he pulled out a piece of paper that was the contract.

"Just sign here and I'll be on my way." Izuku said as he got a pen from his pocket and put it across the table to Ryukyu.

She hesitated slightly before signing it but after ward she stood up and asked exasperatedly. "Did you have to store something in a quirk? Me and Nejire here almost used our quirks on you."

Though the now proclaimed Nejire however immediately ran up to him and started bouncing up and down on her feet and started talking kinda fast.

"Hey there! What type of quirk is that!? Can you store things bigger than that!? Is there a limit to what you can store!? Can you store anything in there?!? Can I go in there!?!" She asked questions about his shown quirk in rapid succession. Izuku was surprised and slightly happy. Another person had a deep appreciation and curiosity in quirks like he did!

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