Chapter 12: The Strongest Heroes

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UA High School, Mock City E, 11:57PM

In a intersection of the massive mock city, stood Izuku Shimura, AKA Disaster, and Enji Todoroki, AKA Endeavor. They stood about 30 feet apart and were both waiting for the start alarm that would kick off their match. Izuku informed Nezu that he would be using a vacant city for the test battle, and Nezu gave him Mock City E, though under the condition that he broadcasted the fight to everyone in the Hero Course.

Izuku was still in his Disaster costume and Endeavor was in his Hero Costume. They both glared at each other with a deep burning intensity. Endeavor was cocky and thought that Izuku didn't stand a chance. He may have been a hero for 6 years, but he has been one for almost 25 years. In his head, their was no way that he'd lose.

Izuku, meanwhile already knew exactly how to win. All he'd need to do, is stall for time and deliver some strikes to Endeavor's midsection. And if things weren't in his favor, then he could just disable his quirk and then use some martial arts to knock him flat on his ass.

With Class 1A

This day had been mostly uneventful for class 1A. They did a routine exercise that Aizawa made for each of them in using their quirks, and the only thing that was slightly out of the ordinary was the alarm system activating, though they learned it was because of the media. They were all in their classroom when their teacher, Snipe, rolled in a tv.

"Today, we aren't going to do any of the planned lessons. I've been ordered by Nezu to show you all a heroics fight between 2 pro heroes. You don't have to take notes, just watch and learn." Snipe explained before turning the TV on.

Class 1A, especially Izumi and her friends, were shocked at what they were seeing.

With Nejire, in Class 3A

Nejire was talking with Mirio and Tamaki about Izuku and both of them wanted to meet him, so she told them that later today that they would meet him. Mirio was excited since it meant he could soar with a hero that everybody knew about and looked up to. Tamaki wanted to meet Izuku since it seemed that Nejire really looked up to him, and because it would get him more used to meeting more heroes without his anxiety.

"So he really does have multiple quirks? That's amazing!! He'll be the #1 hero in just a few years!! I can't wait to spar with him!! I bet Sir will love to meet him too!" Mirio Togata said. He has blond hair that spikes up from his forehead and cartoonish blue eyes and a funny looking face, one that almost always has a smile.

"I-I don't kn-know guys. M-maybe he's a-a loud p-person." Tamaki Amajiki said. He has very dark blue hair that spikes of the back of his head and 3 main fringes of hair, 2 on each sides of his face and 1 down the middle. He has black eyes and somewhat paler skin than his classmates.

"I'm telling you Tama, Izuku is a good person! He has a little sister with anxiety, so he'll easily understand your problem and work around it. Besides, normally he doesn't even talk somewhat loud, mostly it is soft and smooth. He's also really strong! I learned a lot from him and his teachings about improving quirks." Nejire reassured both of her friends.

She was going to talk more when their teacher, Midnight, rolled in and turned on a TV and it showed a stare down with the number 2 hero of Japan, along with a person that Nejire knew all too well.

"Nezu said that this fight between a new hero, Disaster, and the #2 hero Endeavor will be more than educational for all of you. Learn well from it." Midnight said with a smile as everyone in the class paid attention.

"Oh look, there's Izuku right now! I wonder why he's fighting Endeavor? Oh well, I'll ask him with you guys after school!" Nejire said as Mirio smirked in anticipation, while poor Tamaki just shuddered in anxiety.

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