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[A/N: please go back to the content warnings and read through them again! thank you!]

[as previously mentioned, this is the last chapter, so i am encouraging extra comment spamming for any and all readers💕💕]

The walk to the dorm was nothing compared to the flight of stairs they had to climb up to the second floor.

"Easy," Hongjoong said, "Don't lose your balance, you can hold onto me."

Seonghwa had one arm wrapped around Hongjoong and the other clutched the front of his shirt tightly.

He was still uneasy on his feet but Hongjoong kept a firm grip with an arm wrapped around him.

"Sejun was just a rebound," Seonghwa started when they were half way up the stairs.

"I-I invited him over because you were ignoring me and I was upset and all I'm good at is sleeping around, you know? So I invited him over," Seonghwa continued.

Hongjoong took a deep breath and kept quiet.

Seonghwa sounded distraught and at his confession Hongjoong's stomach twisted into knots.

Surely Seonghwa knew better than that, right?

He knew he was better than just a one night stand?

That there was a deeper reason Hongjoong looked at him the way he did?

"But I couldn't do it, I-I couldn't sleep with him."

Seonghwa hesitated, as if he were debating with himself if he was going to say something or not.

In the end, the truth spilled out of him.

"I called him by y-your name," Seonghwa admitted quietly.

"And when I realized, I started crying. H-He started panicking and tried to comfort me b-but that's when you walked in."

They stepped onto the landing, Seonghwa's dorm not too far down the hallway.

Something about knowing that Seonghwa had thought of him, had instinctively called out for him, made Hongjoong's chest ache.

He didn't want to let himself read too much into it.

"You're good at a lot of things," Hongjoong said.

Because out of all of the things Seonghwa had just admitted to him, Hongjoong wanted Seonghwa to know that he was a good person and there was never a doubt about that.


"You said you're only good at sleeping around but you're good at a lot of things. You're an amazing dancer, for one, and I know you hate singing in front of people but your voice is beautiful," Hongjoong forced himself to look directly at Seonghwa.

Even if Seonghwa's eyes were still cloudy and unfocused.

"And you're one of the best friends I've ever had," he continued.

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