Missing horse

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Narrators pov

Authors note: I don't think at this time radahn is the conqueror of the stars and as a demigod are very young at this time
I'll give bios of the Demigods at the time at the start of every chapter. This book is like Star Wars the clone wars, for those who haven't watched it's not in order unless directly in the title

All appearing demigods
Radahn the redmane
Malenia the Valkyrie
Godwyn the golden
Miquella the prodigy
Ranni the lunar princess
Praetor Rykard
Morgott the fell omen
Mohgwyn the omen
Radagon and marika

Through out lyndell royal capital a 8 foot male at the time, was running through the royal capital looking frantically for his scrawny horse With his flowing red locks.
Radahn the redmane ran and searched for his friend running into a Godwyn the golden his step brother

Godwyn: radahn slow down brother

Radahn was almost at his wits end

Radahn: nowsest not the time golden boy,

The bell in the city rung and Radahn snapped

Radahn: okay look I'm looking for Leonard. Have thou seen him any where

Godwyn pondered if he saw the horse
Then like a bulb lit in his golden locks he answered

Godwyn: actually I saw him with the twins earlier

Radahns pupils shrunk and he howled into the sky

Radahn: maleniaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

The roar could be heard All over Lyndell and faintly through the Altus Plateau

Malenia and miquella could hear it and prepared

Miquella asked his sister if they should be doing this

Malenia: yes miquella what could possibly go wrong

The redhead said with a smug grin as they waited for the redmane to appear Radahn found them and rushed at his siblings with surprising speed and picked both of them up by their collars

Radahn: Leonard. Now

Miquella gave a giggle before speaking

Miquella: Thy will have to catch us first 

Malenia kicks Radahn in the face and both of the twins get dropped as they run away from their fuming brother, Radahn was not expecting such a hard kick but chased Radahn not being as fast as the twins lost them, but was quick to figure out where they went and found a trail of rotted flowers left by his sneaky sister 
After following a long trail it ended abruptly then a soft foot landed on his head. Radahn saw his little brother skipping across the roof tops and he follows

Miquella: isn't this fun radahn

Radahn: no I'm trying to feed my horse. So quit being a trouble maker like your sister and just take me there

Miquella: that's what this is about

Miquella stopped at the edge of the roof

Miquella: I'm so sorry radahn. I didn't know my sister took Leonard, she only told me that we would get to play tag today

Radahn thought he should still be mad at the both of them until he realized he can't stay mad at his little brother miquella.  A dragon flew over head as godwyn was trying to impress Ranni  as they both rode on it. The wind from the dragons wings knocked miquella over but he was caught by Radahn
rykard yelled into the sky 

Rykard: godwyn I swear, thou knows you can't fly dragons within a 50 mile radius of the capital it's the law

Radahn: done with roof tops pip squeak

Miquella like the boy he is throws a playful fit

Miquella: I'm not a pip squeak your just growing unusually fast

Radahn rolled his eyes then said yeah yeah but then he heard a yell almost like a familiar war cry radahn looked up and this time a hard foot was planted in his face that hurt like hell and miquella was stolen from the redmane's grasp

Malenia: to slow you overgrown ogre

Radahn pissed that this chase is still going on decided to cheat and yell

Radahn: miquella your it

Miquella realized he is the new tagger and touched malenia. Malenia briefly stops and ask what that was for miquella explain that when radahn caught him that he must have been tagged now malenia is it.

Miquella: so malenia it's time to take him to his horse

Malenia surprised that miquella knew what the game of tag with Radahn was for

Malenia:(surprised) how did you

Miquella: he told me sister now the games over

Malenia: fine fine

Malenia comes to a abrupt stop and then finally speaks to her half brother with no ill intent heard

Malenia: radahn we will take you to your horse

Radahn with a glimmer in his eye said yes finally

Timeskip brought to you by the omen twins playing go fish

Morgott: any fives?

Mohg: go fish

The pair spent hours looking for the horse because apparently Leonard wasn't where malenia left him they found a pair of hooves leading towards a garden the trio walked in. Occupied with Ranni tending to it. Radahn announced himself to his sister

Radahn: Ranni, sister it is a pleasure to see you

Ranni being spooked accidentally summoned exploding moons that waited to go off. Radahn grabbed one and crushed it making it a contained explosion within his hand. Muttering to himself ouch

Radahn: your sorceries are getting strong sis, that hurt my hand

Ranni smirked at her brother antics

Ranni: what bring thy to my humble abode, brother

Radahn: so malenia horse-napped Leonard and we happen to find a trail of hooves leading towards your...... garden.
That I didn't know existed

Ranni: yes quite few no of this places existence, I use thy for recuperation and escape from that fool Godwyn

Miquella whispers to malenia "she really doesn't like big bother Godwyn" malenia replied "I wouldn't either if the golden man whore was always attached to me"

A neigh could be heard close to the group

Ranni: yes Leonard has been visiting me for some time as of late

Radahn raced towards his horse and put him in a bear hug

Miquella: awww nice reunion

Malenia: and that's were we go back home, come on brother

The twins left but not before miquella said see you later at dinner

Radahn: I missed you so much bud, let's go ride out to the plateau

Authors note: the talking is still a work in progress

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