Golden beginnings part 1

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Author note: My girlfriend helped with this chapter of our book, while I write the radahn and Rykard chapter coming out eventually

Appearing gods/demigods
Marika the eternal
And Godfrey the golden

Narrator pov


The silence Marika heard was nothing more than welcoming, embracing her dread, for her son who died far from her reach. Before her, a reminder of the greater will, the golden order, her family.
The sound of metal scraping across cold stone could be heard. The Elden ring, shining with pure innocence of the dread she had once never shared. With all her might, the sound of shattering splendors could be heard. All was silent, but her grief, with even after the the remains of the Elden ring fell effortlessly onto the stone, her grief, cried inside her heart, threatening internal pain ...

But it didn't start there

"Thee shall rise, for the lands between await your service "

Marika woke to a light blinding her eyes, what blinding light it was. She stood on soft grass, soft as silk, if she knew what that was. Her golden hair falling to her shoulders, she stared in wonder at her surroundings. The rocky terrain that threatened the sky with its beauty, the fields of soft grass and the waters full of beautiful shining blue. It was an oasis in the making, a duty for which she knew even upon her making, for this was to be her kingdom. Instantly remembering her dream, she dragged to her feet, holding a hand over her face as she stared at what looked to be a tree, a tree that which grew up to the heavens, and glowed like gold in the morning sky. She was merely a vessel, a servant to The Greater Will, a goddess.

"Come to me, Marika..."

She heard a faint whisper, so soft, so lively she almost dreamt maybe she heard it. It called to her from the great tree, the one that even the heavens were jealous of its beauty.

"Thee shall be queen, and come forth as my vessel"

She was mesmerized by its tone, taking coordinated steps to the tree, her breath slow as her eyes cast upon its golden bark. The tree opened its mass body to her, a thorny gate leaving way for her crossing, a light shining bright at the end of a vast tunnel.

"Marika..." it called.

She walked down the tunnel, entering the light ever so bright as the body it was parented to. Holding her hand over her eyes, she ventured into the light. Upon entrance she discovered the same golden bark on the inside as there was on the outside. Cold stone beneath her bare feet, before her lay a golden ring. She couldn't take her eyes off of it, it was calling her.


She closed her eyes, her sense of duty flowing into her veins. She was made for this, an eternal, made to be its vessel, it's queen. She will govern her people for centuries, she, was Queen Marika, queen of the lands between, a vessel to the Elden Ring.


Godfrey: Rid me of this darn...

Godfrey cursed as he struggled through the plains of Limgrave, stepping into thorn pushes and pushing past wild rams who duck and rolled from his presence. He huffed lowering his axe. Godfrey soon approached the entrance heading to Storm Guard.

Godfrey: If I had a steed maybe the journey to the Erdtree wouldn't be this difficult, blast it!

He slammed his axe down on a boar who charged at him from behind. With ease he removed his axe from the corpse and grunted as he heaved it over his shoulder. "I hate pigs..." he grumbled as he continued forth to the Lyndell. He stopped by many merchants a long the way purchasing substance, anything that will help reach him to his goal. Godfrey nodded his head to the merchant

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