Golden beginnings part 2

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Confirmed gods/Demi's
Marika the eternal
Godfrey the golden

Narrator pov

In the past centuries before the plethora of demigods roamed the lands between

Godfrey was woken by the creaking of his door, he jumped up, he gripped his axe harshly till his knuckles turned white. A small child peaked into his quarter then vanished from sight.

Godfrey: Must be one of the Lord's children..

Godfrey muttered loosening his grip on the axe. He had faced too many nights where he was almost killed due to his foolishness of sleep. Groaning Godfrey stepped outside to the pale light that shined around the Royal Capital, people flooded the streets causing a ruckus as people cheered or chanted.

Godfrey: What in the stars is going on over there

Godfrey wiped his eyes of sleep and headed toward the crowd. Only then did Godfrey notice the crowd was really moving to him. He stood still his axe slung behind his back.

The sea of people parted and stood mid stride was Queen Marika herself, her golden hair shining with the Erdtree's light, her golden eyes soft as they set upon him. The people went silent, and turned their heads slowly to him.

Marika: There thee be.

Marika said cheerfully as she crossed her way to him, the stone clicking softly beneath her shoes, her white silky garment swaying with each stride of her legs.
Marika: I thought it would be courtesy enough to come to thee's quarters instead.

The queen said with a soft smile forming her palish pink lips. Godfrey stuttered his response, not quite impressed with his rental.

Godfrey: I don't believe a Queen would be well suited for a commoners place.

Godfrey grumbled. "Is thou embarrassed of his living quarters?" Marika questioned,

Godfrey didn't know how to admit he wasn't from around here.

Godfrey: My lady, I've traveled far from Lyndell, and have rented a lords quarters.

Godfrey muttered as he couldn't look
Marika in the eyes as he said it. What kind of Lord would he make if he didn't have a decent place within the Capital. Marika stared, as if thinking about the right answer.

Marika:  Then thee shall stay with me, I have more rooms than the lord you rent from.

Marika said politely. Godfrey noticed the lord of which he rented from flinch at the unexpected passive-aggressive comment. Marika walked forward and took hold of Godfrey's hand.

Marika: Come, we shall make haste back to my quarters at once... I hate the attention here, doesn't thee?

Marika whispered as she walked. Godfrey followed her as he didn't really have a choice. Dodging loathing commoners and bands of people who wish to praise Marika, they made it to the Queens bed chambers. Marika pushed open the doors, giggling as she tossed herself onto her bed.
Marika: Wasn't that exhausting?

Marika turned to him with a playful smile.

Godfrey: You really don't like attention do you, my lady?

Godfrey sighed as he tried to catch his breath, they were practically running the entire way here.

Marika: Doesn't thee?

Marika questioned, reaching for one of the many dusty books she has around her room. Godfrey looked around for any place to sit, but took to sitting on the floor or a stack of books in many by the wall.
Marika: Honestly, does thou need to wear armor all the time?"

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