War wages

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Radagon rode beside Godfrey, he didn't blame him that he was upset upon Marika coming along, but Marika didn't share that Radagon was part of her, her alternate ego.

Soldiers marched behind them as the crossed the snowy plains of the land of the Giants.

Godfrey: Marika you will stay with me, understood?

Godfrey muttered to her from over his shoulder. Serosh looked at her too with a pained expression.

Marika: Honestly Godfrey, I've fought before, remember I've beaten the gloom eyed queen.

Marika scoffed, looking at Radagon.

Godfrey: You also had your brother Malekith's help actually I think he did most the heavy lifting.

Godfrey retorted, but trying to be gentle with her. Marika didn't take the comment nicely, she tossed her head in a sign of displeasure to the side, her golden braid swinging with. Godfrey looked forward with understanding, he just wanted Marika safe. Radagon sniffed as they continued, the cold tickling his nose. Suddenly there was a loud roar, the ground shook and the random rock formations showered snow down, along some rock fragments.

Radahgon: Ready?

Radagon whispered to Marika, who held a hammer close to her side. Marika nodded tensely, staring at Godfrey's turned figure. Standing before them were a couple of giants with battle ready faces and weapons of incredible size. Serosh gave a roar loud enough to match the Giants.

Godfrey: We wish to speak with thy leader!

Godfrey yelled, his steed stomping its foot. The Giants parted as 3 giants stepped forward.

Marika: Two generals, you're kidding...

Marika scowled.

Godfrey: State thy names, for they shall be known for centuries as those who were slayed by weapon!

Godfrey shouted and his men shouted in agreement. This seemed to only aggravate the Giants more. "I am known as the Lord of all my kind, my companion here is storm lord, leader of the Giants." The lord said, his voice the sound of 100 men.

Radagon gripped his Hammer, his veins appearing along his arms. Marika rocked in her saddle, waiting for the sound of war. Godfrey only stared at the giants, his axe limp beside him. "Charge!" The leader cried, pushing forward in heavy thumps.

Marika: Go forth!

Marika cried, rushing into a giant, bringing her hammer down on its leg. She summoned many incantations on the way. Godfrey ran along many of the giants, crushing the leg of one. It's holler shook the ground before him as the giant swung clumsily at him. Radagon was busy hacking at Storm Lord's legs, summoning arrows to its chest, that strangely contained a face. Marika and Radagon though weren't the only ones with magic. Soon most of the giants were throwing fire at them from their hands.

Radagon:Switch with me Godfrey!

Radagon cried as he rode beside him, smashing at the giants leg that he was working to bring down. Godfrey pulled away, running to the leader. Marika to brought down one of the Giant lord's one leg, forcing it to kneel and summon balls of fire that exploded when it got near her.

Godfrey stared as he saw his wife fight the lord, but only then did Radagon notice Storm lord rushing his hand to Godfrey.

Radagon: Godfrey! Watch thy side!

Radagon shouted. Godfrey reacted to slow and was knocked off his steed, his axe flying toward Radagon with him following behind.

Marika:My lord!
Marika shouted in fear

she dodged a fire ball and summoned a wave of gold from her sword, breaking the other leg of the Giant lord sending it to its knees.

Radagon: He's fine Marika, concentrate!

Radagon pleaded as he reached Godfrey's side.

Radagon: Get up friend, you must slay these giants!

Godfrey groaned and grabbed hold of his axe, Serosh taking form to where he no longer appeared ghostly.

Godfrey: Serosh has stayed his claws out this fight long enough, thy giant has pissed me off...

Godfrey cursed, his golden eyes narrowing. He charged upon the Giant, with axe in one hand, taking its legs out in a might swoop as Serosh clawed at its wounds. Storm lord roared in agony only for Godfrey to bring the axe down its back, aiming for a final blow. Storm lord roared before his last moments. Living up to his monarch created a storm of unbridled frost and lighting and the giant was gone, but not before leaving parting words "puny god we'll fight again one on one for our fates to be decided, no armies to back each other a brawl to deem a real warrior" Godfrey was left to ponder that.

Godfrey: Go help Marika!

Godfrey called to Radagon. Radagon nodded and rushed to Marika's aid, together they summoned many incantations and fired it upon the Giant lord. Marika did the final blow straight to the head, sending 30 arrows to the face. Looking around Marika noticed only one fighting giant left. It coward while surrounded by Godfrey's men.

Marika: Move aside.

Marika ordered as she hopped of her steed.

Marika: Where is the flame, don't play stupid. Thee knows which one!

Marika shouted, her voice stern and filled with rage. "Why should I tell thee where the flame lies?" The Giant replied slyly. Marika summoned an arrow in her hands made of golden light.

Marika: I won't ask thee again.

Marika whispered harshly. The Giant gave in, leading them to a round structure on a hill.

Marika: Stay here, please?

Marika asked Godfrey and Radagon in a gentle but commanding tone as if not needing for a answer. Godfrey wanted to object until Marika glared at him.

Godfrey: Marika...

Godfrey whispered, he looked weak for the first time.

Marika: Please my lord... this will only take a bit.

Marika said soothingly. The Giant grunted and led her up the winding ledge. Upon arrival, Marika notice the burning flame.

Marika: Can this flame destroy the Erdtree?

Marika questioned, looking at the Giant. The Giant scoffed,

Fire giant : Not completely but yes.

Marika nodded.

Marika: This flame cannot be destroyed... yes?

She added, the Giant smirked.

Fire giant: It's nearly impossible to destroy or extinguish this flame.

Marika cursed herself, her plans foiled.

Marika: Fine, from now and until death is due, you will serve me, protect this flame for those who wish to take it. Thee has no option, as this is the price of the end of your kind.

Marika said solemnly, placing down the curse, a curse to forever be set in stone. The Giant roared in anger,

Fire giant: Thou shall place a curse on me! Than I shall place a curse on Thee!

Marika glared and looked down to her people, only then did she notice, Radagon hair was now red.

Marika: So be it.

Marika growled, tossing her cape as she walked away.

Marika: If thee attempts to avenge his kin, thee shall be slayed where thy stands.

Marika muttered as she made her way to her steed. The Giant let out another angered roar as they made their way back to Lyndell. Marika was hard in thought upon that journey, she knew that herself could not carry nor control the fire. Her plans were faulty, she felt trapped, the beast inside her restless. She was cursed, cursed upon birth and when she took control of the Elden ring, a beast ancient, crawled under her skin. A solution came to mind, a solution that will reveal itself in time.

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