Lil demi's

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Godfrey paced outside, the guards whispering soothing words to him.

Godfrey: Why should Radagon remain inside?

Godfrey thought, irritated at the thought. He hasn't heard a peep since Marika told him to wait outside, why must Radagon see HIS sons first? The guards motioned away from his anger. "My lord, you must remain patient." One of the Soldiers pleaded. Godfrey turned to them, his golden eyes shining in the trees light, his eyes deeply narrowed. The guards shuffled and said no more. Soon the doors opened and a priest welcomed him in. Godfrey pushed him aside to see Marika holding but one child, not three, the son that he had come to know as Godwyn, who was a year old now.

Godfrey:What has become of my two sons?

Godfrey whispered to his wife, noticing Radagon's loving expression toward his first born. Serosh let out a quiet rumble, and a nerve was struck within him. 

Marika: I'm sorry my lord, two of our sons are cursed with a terrible curse...

Marika said softly. Godfrey swore but stares at his first born son. Radagon inhaled and looked at Godfrey.

Radagon: You're first born is pure, though Thee shall know your other two sons were born with many horns...

Radagon said with a shiver.

Godfrey: Horns? Horns is a curse now?
Why all the deer in the world may as well be cursed.

Godfrey muttered looking at Marika who has a pained expression.

Radagon Your second born, was born with an Omen's curse, your last born as well." Radagon butted in, staring intently at Godfrey before he continued to shame Marika.

Marika: I did what was best for our family, Godfrey.

Marika said softly, stroking her first born's golden hair, least what was on his head at the time.

Godfrey: What are their names at least...

Godfrey pleaded, his father instincts not wanting to abandon his children.

Marika: Your second born is Morgott, your last born is Mohgwyn.

Marika said to him, looking past the doors. Marika smiled, staring lovingly at her first born, Radagon sharing her expression. Another nerve struck within him. It has been months since the war with the fire giants, and Radagon continues to stick next to his wife. Radagon noticed the glare he was receiving from Godfrey and shook his head.

Radagon: Marika excuse me, for I need some air.

Radagon stated, giving Godfrey another look, then left.

Godfrey: One moment.

Godfrey grunted leaving Marika to stare after them dumb founded. Godfrey closed the door behind him softly as he stared at Radagon. He was pressed against the side archway wall, arms crossed with a dead panned expression. Godfrey walked up to him, cornering him against the wall, an arm extended so his hand may flat on the wall beside his head. Radagon felt a tingle in his chest staring at Godfrey's hard structure.

Radagon:(Condemn these feelings Marika and I share to hell...)

Radagon snorted as he thought it to himself. Godfrey closed his hand to a fist that reminded to his side.

Godfrey: You've grown rather close to my wife since the wars we've shared, friend. Must thou not give me a reason to hurt thee right now.

Radagon squinted then started laughing, ending in a low chuckle.

Radagon: Thee must cease these words. For only if thou knew the truth.

Radagon smiled slyly Godfrey glared at him, another nerve struck.

Godfrey: If I knew what? I'm not one of those beltway pansies, I could break you in two with my bare hands

Godfrey said softly with a bit of venom to kill. Radagon patted his shoulder and slipped under his arm, a lie filling his tongue.

Radagon: I'm her brother, Godfrey. Marika wouldn't be pleased with thee harassing her kin.

Radagon laughed as the lie came so easily. Godfrey was struck stupid, this his features softened.

Godfrey: apologize to thee, for my actions were out of jealousy, nothing more, brother.

Godfrey muttered, Serosh still giving Radagon an accusing glare.

Radagon: You're forgiven, but please tend to your wife and child, she is rather tired.

Radagon said briskly before walking away down the path. Radagon couldn't be seen sucking his teeth with the thought of "breaking me doesn't sound to bad I mean what......"

Godfrey went back into the chambers, standing next to his wife and his son, a thought struck him for he didn't know where his other sons were sent, or if they were killed.

Godfrey: Marika, where have our other two sons gone?

Godfrey asked softly, looking at Godwyn as he slept.

Marika: They are not our sons...

Marika whispered, staring at Godfrey.

Marika: They are a curse, sent away to the sewers where they shall remain hidden, and no one should know about them.

Godfrey felt his stomach turn to stone as he stared at her. She had sent their sons to the sewers... new born children, curse or not, it felt wrong to him.

Godfrey: Must they be banished for the wishes of the Erdtree?

Godfrey tried to stay patient with her.

Marika: Their curse can cost us our family, our son, my lord you must understand that, please?

Marika looked sick, almost as if she gone days without rest.

Godfrey: If that's what thee wishes...

Godfrey muttered, letting formalities cross his lips as an attempt to make her feel guilty. It worked, Marika flinched at his words and watches as he lay with his back facing her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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