Golden beginnings final

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Narrator pov

A while after the jointing of the goddess and the 1st elden lord. Marika could be found in a room unlike her bedchamber near the base of the erdtree

Marika: Come out! For I have a request for Thee.

Marika called for her brother, soon metal collided with solid stone as a huge wolf life beast garbed in metal armor landed on the floor from a near-by pillar.
"Yes, my lady?" The brother said in a deep voice, it's eyes intent on her through his metal helmet.

Marika: Please, take this, for I appoint Thee with a honorable mission, to secure this rune of great death within your claws.

Marika said softly, holding out the rune she took from the Elden Ring.

Malekith: I thought my bidding was done after our war, with the dusk eyed queen, Marika."

The brother scoffed looking at the ruin.

Marika:  You have another duty to do, for the sake of my new family that shall once be.

Marika said sternly as she tossed the ruin to him. The brother caught the ruin in his paws and stared a long while.

Marika: Do this for me, Malekith.

Marika said, a bit more softly this time. Inside she trusted him to hold and protect this ruin from falling in the wrong hands, but resented her relation to such a beast.

Malekith:I will guard this for you, sister.

Malekith said turning it in his hands. Marika flinched at the word 'sister', turned her back on him and whispered.

Marika: See that you will, Malekith.

Marika left the room then, to go back to her Chambers and lay in wait, for her Lord to return from his studies.

"Godfrey?" Marika called as she heard boots smack against stone outside her chamber doors. His head popped in, his blonde hair ruffled. "Yes, Marika?" Godfrey replied, his now gold eyes bore into hers.

Marika: Must you stray so far from me?

Marika sighed in exaggeration to his only few hour departure.

Godfrey: I'm sorry, I was caught up in knowledge for the Giant war you have wished upon.

Godfrey said stepping into the chambers. He sat beside her on their bed, playing with her golden hair.

Marika: I have good news for Thee...

Marika fumbled, trying to contain her smile.

Godfrey: Out with it Marika, you know I hate surprises.

Godfrey rolled his eyes, Serosh nipping his cheek at his careless demeanor. "Now friend, it's the truth!" Godfrey groaned to Serosh, pushing his giant head out the way.

Marika:  Thee would appreciate the coming of three heirs.

Marika murmured softly, smiling at him with her head tilted to the side. Serosh purred the loudest he's heard since his birth.

Godfrey: Three, are you sure?

Godfrey was dumbfounded by the news.

Godfrey: But, Marika I'll be a war, I'll miss this chance.

Godfrey stumbled upon his words, he was happy but scared at the same time.

Marika: I'm sorry, my lord. But I thought Thee would be proud to have heirs..

Marika sniffled, staring at him with pleading eyes. Godfrey lightly shoved her shoulder,

Godfrey: Don't say such things of course I'm happy! I can't wait to see them upon my return.

Godfrey left a pecked kiss upon her cheek and stood gathering his armor.

Godfrey: But I sadly must make way to the Land of the Giants, we must not wait any longer, even if I'm to have three heirs.

He hugged her, grabbing his axe and setting on his way out. "Till long, Marika." Godfrey shut the door after his goodbyes have been delivered, leaving Marika staring in disbelief, and pride as her family continues to grow. She frowned though, thinking. Calling upon herself, thought for a second on a possible way to not have to depart for long.

Maybe it's time..." She muttered, she willed something inside her to surface, something unknown, not heard of.

Marika: Radagon, it's time Thee bid service to me, once again.

She thought. She closed her eyes and felt energy leave her. 

Radagon: Thou finally releases me from this prison?

Marika heard as she opened her eyes to see a man identical to her, his long past shoulder length golden hair falling as he took shape in front of her, garbed in nothing but (color) pants.

Marika: Radagon, we have to fight along side Godfrey.

Marika pleaded, fearing for her Lord. "Marika, he will not allow you to fight in this...condition." Radagon said solemnly, allowing her to hear his displeasure.

Marika: I plea to Thee.

Marika said defeatedly. Radagon sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

Radagon: Tis hard when we are one, I can feel your disgusting feelings for the lord.

Radagon said sternly as he went to gather equipment.

Radagon: I would like you to know, I hate this idea. The outcome is your fault.

Radagon groaned throwing armor at her.

Marika: Let's make haste before he leaves on his steed.

Marika hurriedly fit her armor on and raced after Godfrey, Radagon trailing doubtfully behind her.

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