Red lion and blasphemous snake

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More goofy chapter
The red lion general Radahn
Praetor Rykard
Ranni, lunar princess

Narrator pov

The red lion general Radahn and his brother the fallen praetor Rykard have not traveled far from their home they have went west of their beloved capital
To mountain gelmir they have heard of a immortal serpent of enormous size they traversed the mountains killed numerous jobbers Rykard wasn't as tall as his brother but was definitely fearsome in his own stature

Radahn: why did thou bring me here?
Radahn finally Asked after hours of hacking and slashing through the residence of the mountain

Rykard: thy has heard of a immortal serpent living in the depths of the mountains

Radahn stopped his brother from his continued March and silenced him. Rykard questioned this action but Radahn pointed around the corner infront of them. A ravenous magma wrym could be heard munching on probably the corpses of its victims

Radahn: thee failed to mention random dragons lurking the mountain

Rykard stared blankly at his now over 15 foot brother

Rykard: thou thinks I knew!!!

Rykard words span the whole mountain in the form of echoes, every creature who wished to harm them heard it and quickly follow the source

The munching stopped and crawling could be heard Radahn looked around the protruding stalagmites they hid behind and saw a empty pool of lava

Radahn: Rykard now thee has done it, the monster is gone

Rykard: thy know where the creature may be

Rykard said as he quickly shuffled back from the snarling magma wyrm

Radahn looked back at the now charging dragon descendent

Rykard and Radahn ran from the creature

Brought to you by Leonard getting a sun tan at the bridge between Mt. Gelmir and
Altus plateau

Radahn had his greatswords holding the wyrm back at the jaws

Radahn: brother, where is Thee

Rykard: yeah yeah, hold thy horses

Rykard took his blade and gathered magic in it before slamming it down creating a shockwave and Magical eruption towards the creature blowing it back.

In liurnia
Ranni the lunar princess questioned why it was so quite in the lakes, ranni summoned a sphere a reflection of the moon and asked the sphere where were her brothers. In a volcanic area she saw both her siblings fighting a magma wrym

Ranni: maybe thy should help 

Blaidd and Iji could be heard playing fetch

Ranni: na thee got it

Back with Radahn and Rykard

The brothers sat on top a hill of corpses
Exhausted. Radahn starring at the stars above

Radahn: beauty is thy night sky hmm Rykard?

Rykard on his back answers after taking in the moment

Rykard: thee is beautifully

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