Convergence ( where the fuck are we‽)

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Izuku was having an absolutely terrible day and it wasn't even lunch. First he had had a flashback and corresponding panic attack before breakfast because he had woken up from a nightmare and thought he was back in Aldera ( 80% sure that's the name of his middle school), then Zero had burnt the breakfast burritos he was making, and finally it was exams week.

Despite the overwhelming feeling of dread Izuku was trudging down the hallway to Class 1-A.

^∆^∆^ (time skip)

As he sat in class listening to Ectoplasam drone on about something he already knew, he looked out the window to see a crow fly past him seemingly a omen of something.

While Izuku was zoned out most of the class was either paying attention to the lesson or out of it as well, except for Bakugo who was deep in thought his usual sneer replaced with a neutral scowl.

*'*'* (p.o.v change)

Bakugo sat in silence as he pondered if he should try and approach De- Izuku and see if he would forgive him cause no matter how rough he seemed on the outside he did care for his childhood friend.

Thoughts always plagued him on how Izuku wasn't going to be a hero and that he would die trying. No matter how hard he tried those thoughts keep coming back, he's tried everything to get them out of his head he had even debated going to hound dog to try and see if therapy would work.( he didn't because he's not weak and doesn't need help)


He really didn't want to be mean to Izuku at first, he really hated the idea of Izuku being hurt over something so simple as not having a quirk. Sure he was a little disappointed at first but that was because he thought they couldn't be heroes together anymore.

at first he treated Izuku like he was fragile as glass but once he saw Izuku was just as he was before the diagnosis he went back to his rough housing and playing like old friends.( if he wasn't using his quirk in the play fights it was nobody's business )


On the first day back at school after the diagnosis they walked in like they would any other day, but Katsuki felt an oppressive weight on his shoulders he grabbed his friend's hand and held on tight afraid if he let go Izuku would be hurt. Not shipping you nasty fucks.

As they entered the classroom the weight on his shoulders felt ten times heavier that it was that morning.

Once the lesson began Katsuki was a little calmer but as soon as the teacher said what they were doing today his heart dropped and he began to panic.

"Alright class today we're going to share our quirks and what we want to be when we grow up I'll go first!" She clapped her hands as she looked at all the smiling bright faces. "My quirk is a small intelligence enhancer making me the perfect teacher." The teacher said with a sickening smile that Katsuki and Izuku could tell was full of something akin to pride.

One by one all their classmates went up and shared their powers Katsuki didn't care because he and Izuku were better than all of them.( as he thought back on it little him was correct considering no-one else ever made it into a hero school as far as he knew)

Trigger warning ahead for bullying and a shit teacher skip to the next °¶°¶°  to avoid

Once again the weight on Katsuki's shoulders was crushing him as Izuku's name was called.

Fuck my motivation has left me but I shall persevere for you dear readers

"U-um miss?" Izuku said stuttering.

"Yes Midoriya?" The teacher responded in her sickly sweet voice.

"C-can I not share please?" Katsuki looked at his friend in worry as the teacher gave Izuku a glare.

"No you have to share Midoriya everyone else has gone now its your turn." Her sweet tone dropped on the first word before she regained her façade.

"I-i'm qu-quirkless A-and I want to be a Hero just like Kacchan!" Katsuki stared in wonder at his friend if he was in that situation he wouldn't have been able to answer. (Politely that is )


For years the others tormented Izuku and Katsuki had joined in out of fear for his own future.


~'~'~ ( third person )

After class everyone filed their way outside to do some training before they went to hang out in the dorms.

Ochaco and Tsu were sitting on the sidelines watching some  cartoon they were obsessed with. ( Tsu related to the blind girl that was always underestimated, Ochaco thought the first season antagonist was like Shoto.) If you know this I love you <3/p

Izuku and Shoto were sparring pretty intensely compared to everyone else. ( except Katsuki and Eijiro of course)

Ojiro and Mezo were sparring.

Yuga and Fumikage were cuddled up against each other and discussing what books they would like to reread together later.

Kyoka and Momo were practicing close combat. (Something they both needed to work on)

Suddenly the ground began to shake and a purple flash blinded them.(unbeknownst to them the entirety of the world saw this as well)

All of class 1-A instinctively jumped into defensive positions. + they shouldn't have that instinct)

A loud crack rung throughout U.A grounds deafening those with enhanced hearing, A strange glowing rectangle was in the center of the courtyard and fifteen figures tumbled out before the rectangle dissipated.

"Where the fuck are we‽"

Hello thanks for reading the first chapter of terrene I will try and make each chapter at least six hundred words long and please comment any ideas you have for this book! I would love to hear your ideas.

Terrene | MCYT X BNHA/MHA (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now