Beginning (Rat_satan has joined the game)

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*'*'* this is set before the previous chapter

Nedzu was interested and so the staff were scared shitless.

Earlier that month Nedzu was called by the archeological department of the Japanese government about a mysterious cube covered in carvings that seemed to have a button along with odd looking box that didn't have anything in it and appeared to be made of obsidian, both objects being perfect meter cubes.

They had the common sense to call the smartest being in the world to help solve these puzzling objects.


Nedzu had requested that they bring the objects to U.A so he could help figure these objects out.

As they brought in the objects Nedzu was surprised to see that the objects were indeed meter cubes, perfect ones in fact.

Nedzu had always wondered about the humans and their history he often wondered if at one point humans had a entirely peaceful society. (He highly doubted it after all violence seemed in their nature and peace could never satisfy their hunger for blood)

As Nedzu came close to the chest like object something must have set it off because as soon as he was within two meters of the chest it began to emanate purple particles and the green orb oh the place where A lock would be started to glow brightly. (It looked vaguely like a reptilian eye)

" Principal Nedzu stay back!" One of the scientists yelled at him.

Nedzu had a strange look on his face he seemed drawn to the chest.

As everyone in the room watched in terror Nedzu opened the chest with a resounding click.

Unlike all the other times A scientist opened the chest to find nothing inside there was something sitting in the bottom of the chest.


Nedzu had spent the next week looking over the strange object that was inside the chest and wondering where it had come from. (he was wearing gloves for safety)

It was about three inches long and two inches wide and was thin but seemed durable, it also had four buttons along the bottom of one side. ( one engraved with three dots another with a symbol that resembled a WiFi signal one with a pencil and one with a x)

One day Nedzu had set it down to go get some tea before continuing to mess with it when his elbow brushed the object.

"Powering on" the object began glowing faintly reminding him of a phone screen.

Nedzu was startled by the sudden noise but quickly recovered and called the staff and scientists.

"Attention all U.A personal we have a break through." The message rang throughout the school and three teachers and a scientist who were still in the building came running.( it was six in the evening after all, so no students were here)

As Shouta was grading papers with Hizashi he heard Nedzu's announcement and they both rushed to Nedzu's office.(ah yes they definitely weren't cuddling they were just grading papers)

Once they arrived they saw Nemuri and one of the scientists already in the office.


Once they all had arrived in his office Nedzu briefed them on what had happened. (The object hadn't done anything in the three minutes it took for the others to arrive)

As they were discussing the strange event they stopped as they heard the object speak again.

"player identified....... Unregistered...please enter gamer tag."

As the monotone voice Rang out a holographic screen appeared in front of Nedzu.

Here's what the screen layout is



{Confirm gamer tag}

• c4tK122 ShishyWammy Ome6aul

G0d322kat nifftea GoatBlooom

Everyone stared in shock at the advanced technology in front of them despite the artifacts seeming millions of years old.(Nedzu was secretly fascinated by the thought of aliens )


[ Rat_Satan| ] •MAX CHARACTERS 16•

{Confirm gamer tag} √

• c4tK122 ShishyWammy Ome6aul

G0d322kat nifftea GoatBlooom

Nedzu had decided that there as no harm in fulfilling the device's request and entered in the username he used in online chess matches.

"Registering please wait........... Registered welcome to Minecraft"


Eyo two chapters pog the world building is shit at the moment but eh we're starting the good stuff next chapter so buckle up people

Where did this motivation come from?

Terrene | MCYT X BNHA/MHA (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now