Aftermath of the login (Endevawhore shows up)

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System starting...........

Chunks loading.......

Spawning mobs......

Loading Version 1.18....

Success...... logging in.....

° Rat_Satan has joined the game°


Everyone standing in Nedzu's office was slightly off put by what they saw on the strange screen in front of them.

Nedzu was looking at the screen with a perplexed look on his face.

' it looks like a game start-up screen, which would explain why it called me a "player " but how exactly did humans have this technology if this device is indeed millions of years old?'

Nedzu decided to press the pencil button on the strange device to see what it would do.( against the scientist's protests)

What appeared to be a chat log came up.

Ph1lzA: we're all good sending the cords for the portal

CaptainSparklez: alright meet you there in a sec just finishing up the command block

Ph1lzA: Scott how's the terra forming coming?

Smajor1995: it went great I just copy pasted the smp earth map and did the round world command

CaptainSparklez: heading over now Phil

Ph1lzA: meet ya there m8

°Ph1lzA has earned the achievement 'eye spy'°

°CaptianSparklez has earned the achievement 'eye spy'°

°Smajor1995 has earned the achievement 'eye spy'°

Ph1lzA: see ya back at the hub m8s

Ph1lzA has earned the achievement 'the end?'•

•CaptainSparlez has earned the achievement 'the end?'•

•Smajor1995 has earned the achievement 'the end?'•

°Ph1lzA has left the game°

°CaptainSparlez has left the game°

°Smajor1995 has left the game°

Rat_Satan has joined the game

Nedzu dismissed the others in the office so he could report his findings to the government.

Before Nedzu could start writing his report someone burst through his door.

"Endeavor-san I have told you many times that you aren't aloud on campus unannounced."

The man now identified as Endeavor ignored Nedzu and stomped over to the second object.

"Endeavor-san please do not touch the artifacts."

Nedzu said in a slightly worried tone he had no idea what that button would do.

"I do not care you rat I'm number one and you can't tell me what to do."

Endeavor growled as he glared at the principal.

Nedzu held his gaze letting none of his worries show on his face.

With no thought or hesitation Endeavor slammed his fist into the button.

The object let out a hum that radiated untold power as the principal stood from his seat.

Suddenly a purple flash blinded the two pro heroes.

Nedzu felt the device in his hands vibrate.

Ph1lzA has joined the game•

Nedzu stared at he message in disbelief if his theory was correct this was one of the beings that created his world.

If the button was a emergency signal Nedzu did not want to be faced with the wrath of a god for calling him without reason.

But then the device buzzed again and again and again as messages flooded the chat.

° Dream has joined the game°

Technoblade has joined the game•

° Sapnap has joined the game°

•Quackity has joined the game•

°KarlJacobs has joined the game°

GeorgeNotFound has joined the game•

° WilburSoot has joined the game°

CaptainPuffy has joined the game •

°FoolishGamers has joined the game°

• Ranboo has joined the game •

°Purpled has joined the game°

Tubbo_ has joined the game•

° Tommyinnit has joined the game°

MichaelBeloved_ has joined the game •


Smol little update for you <3

Also please comment anything that come to mind for thing you want to see in this book if it doesn't show up in this book I'm planning to make at least one more of these crossovers so please do give me your ideas.

Any ideas for funny moments or jokes you want to appear is fine as well it doesn't have to be a Sirius request.


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